Fake tan

  • 3 replies
  • 286 subscribers

Hi i know this may seem a trivial question. I get married on 1st August and i am to receive radiotherapy which will end 5 days before my wedding. I am moisturising every day and wondered if there are any fake tan creams of any kind that could be used so im not the palest bride on the planet.

  • Hi  , not a trivial question at all! But sorry I don’t know. Hopefully my reply will bump your thread back up to the top and someone who does know will see it. Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding, a lovely event after your radiotherapy. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hello bride to be.  Congratulations and I hope you have the most amazing day possible.

    Have a look at the Moo Goo skincare website. I bought a load of their chemo friendly stuff and it is wonderful.  Very gentle natural products .  They do a whole range of self tanning bundles and their prices are really good for what you get. 

    With best wishes and a hug. 

  • Huge congratulations on your wedding.

    Best to speak to the radiologists about this. Radiotherapy is very harsh on your skin, with a lifetime of covering up needed on the side you get done. 

    It also peaks 6 weeks after you stop so it will be getting worse for your wedding rather than better.

    Hopefully your team can advise you on something suitable, but I would seek their advice and stick to it as they will know better than anyone what you need to do with your skin during this time.

    Hope your wedding is fabulous.