Operation tomorrow

  • 18 replies
  • 260 subscribers

Hi I'm due surgery tomorrow for lumpectomy and node removal. I had a small cut on my knuckle I did last Thursday, it's healed over but I'm scared I might knock it and open the cut and they will cancel the operation. My heart is pounding and feel so anxious.

  • Glad to read you are home. Worrying about your cut helped you keep you mind off the operation. Take things easy.

    My hubby was allowed to stay too, it was written on my notes that I needed him due to being terrified of having a general, but it hadn't been transferred to my theatre notes and they said he couldn't stay. I said that's fine and I won't be stopping either lol hubby stayed with me until I was asleep, the anesthetist was lovely, calm and softly spoken

    Sue x

  • Thank you Hopeful Barb for your reassurance last night. I didn't reply as it was late, finally got to sleep 1am for a 5.15 alarm. I normally have a racing mind that goes off in all directions. The rePrayIief I feel now is immense.  Get the results in about 3 weeks Pray My doctor gave lovely advice saying that the worry wouldn't change anything but could affect my health. Going to try hard to enjoy each day without the constant worrying. Hoping you are well and sending my sincere thanks 

  • So glad all went well with your operation and it is a relief to have it done.  I also went to bed very late about 1:30AM because had colonoscopy today.  Oh I hate the prep!!  But all done now and can eat again yeah.  
    I am a worrier too and try very hard to not be but it is hard as the mind just goes in all directions and thoughts pop in and out.  Your doctor is  right but I think the majority of women who have BC go in and out of worry.  
    Each step gets you closer to feeling better and being on the other side of cancer is so nice.  
    Hugs to you.


  • Hopeful Barb

    Hope all went well with your colonoscopy, very unpleasant but necessary. Know what you mean about the prep, so much to drink and as for the flavour.... Take care of yourself. Onwards and upwardsSnail

  • Yes it was fine but had 4 polyps.  They will send out biopsies to lab.  Suppose to go again in 3 years for test.  This year I did not do the liquid prep.  I took sutab which is two doses of 12 tablets and then lots of clear liquid.  Much easier but OMG get tired of bathroom trips.  Seems like always tests or some other Dr visit.  Thanks for asking.  


  • Just reread my post, apologies for the green creature it was meant to be a bunch of flowers, fingers hit the wrong picture. I should re read my posts before sending them, blaming it on the anaesthetic. Good you could avoid the liquid prep 

  • The little snail is adorable.  I had IV sedation for the test so all looked fine to me.  


  • Hi Daveday

    I'm glad to hear that you are home and the operation went well.

    Best wishes


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