Wide excision or mastectomy ?

  • 1 reply
  • 259 subscribers

Have grade 2 ductal breast cancer hormone responsive . It is part of nipple and lump goes underneath and seems to have grown . It’s hurting every time I move and told to take paracetamol . Surgeon wants to do melon slice and remove nipple and sentinel node biopsy with mag trace . 
has anyone had this done as seems I won’t be left with much and will be very lopsided ? Also have leterozole and side effects seem horrendous . 
feeling not listened too by hospital and told to get on with it , really worrying 

  • Hi Onzog

    Sorry to hear that you feel as if you are not being listened to. While I haven’t the experience you are looking for I noticed that you haven’t had any replies so I thought I reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion.

    It’s perfectly understandable that you are worried about the side effects of leterozole but it’s rare that you would get all of them.  You could maybe give them a go and if you find any side effects too much for you, you could stop taking them and move on to something else, there are plenty of alternatives out there.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your operation.

    Best wishes


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