Diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer advice please

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  • 264 subscribers


I’ve today been diagnosed with ILC

all over the place mentally

one minute strong then catastrophising and terrifying myself my googling things

 as you can maybe see from the time can’t sleep!
heres my story so far and I’d love to share notes and especially love any reassurance

noticed a lump about a month ago

a mammogram last week showed nothing , neither did my routine one in january

a ultrasound last week did show a suspect lump (the one i felt)

axial looked normal on ultrasound 

biopsy done then

results today show ILC, grade 2, early stage ( he wouldn’t give a number)

its oestrogen positive don’t know yet about herceptin (I was told ilc usually negative) 

plan is mri tomorrow to check size and location and to check the other breast and lymph’s before probably lumpectomy in july

then radio then meds for 5 years

i think i can handle all that and actually wondering if I’d be better with a mastectomy as this kind of BC notoriously hard to find …..any thoughts?
also I’m completely  freaking out that it’s spread, sounds silly but now I can feel like my underarms are swollen! And I had awful heart burn earlier this year which I’ve just found out (thanks google )is a possible symptom of spread in ilc. I’ve been fit and well my whole life

oh and now I’m also stressing they will find it in other breast on mri

basically just having a middle of the night complete whitey

lonpve to compare notes or take advice


  • Thank you for your positive advice!!! I'm 5 weeks post lumpectomy waiting for results on cancerous cells found in one of three lymph nodes removed.

    I've been very positive so far, concentrating on how lucky I've been that it was found so early on. 

    I came on here as I've started to spiral thinking the worst and looking at chemo posts to prepare myself.

    I'm so pleased I saw your reply first.... I'll redirect my energy into things I enjoy and just wait for the results and my new treatment plan!

    Going to have a glass of wine and watch Glastonbury instead. 

    Thank you Purple heart 

  • Hi Ange66, it must be so worrying waiting for results, but I'm glad to hear you're focusing on doing the things you enjoy. It does help. I hope you're enjoying Glastonbury x

  • Haha... Yes, thought Coldplay were fab!

    Thank you so much for replying, I was just about to do some more "research" and your reply stopped me Purple heart

    Today I will focus on watching the  England match with my hubby....

    Hopefully I'll get my results this week - Thanks again xx

  • Quick question

    how long did you guys have to wait for biopsy results after lumpectomy and SNB??

    also - does anyone have any feeling about how likely or unlikely it is the nodes will not be clear under biopsy having seemed clear on mri and ultrasound scan??

    nearly a week post o and physically good, mentally have been fine too but just starting to over think!! 
    thanks all 

  • My results took 3 weeks.

    I have friends who's nodes were clear even though their lumps were larger than mine, but mine returned minimal cancer cells in one out of three nodes removed. 

    I'm now waiting for further results to see what my treatment plan will be now. It's 3 weeks now and the waiting is awful, it's so easy to spiral and over think. 

    Try to stay positive though, hopefully your results will be clear and you can start your treatment soon. 

  • I had to wait about 2 weeks. The nodes looked clear on the ultrasound, and luckily they were clear after the biopsy/op. Try not to think about it until you get the results. Fingers crossed it will be fine.

  • Your diagnosis sounds exactly like mine but I'm 6 months ahead of you. Obviously, everyone is different but I'd like to offer a positive story. Hopefully you will be as fortunate.

    In the early days after diagnosis, it takes up 90% of your 'head-space'. 6 months on, its down to about 10%. I talked myself into being completely positive anout the surgery - it gets rid of the cancer after all. The radiotherapy is pain-free and reassuring. I'm not keen on the drugs but they are the only daily reminder of the entire episode. 

    It's just a journey that's necessary to go through but aren't we lucky that we are born now and not 100 years ago.

    Good luck. Stay positive and know that you will find a way through this.  Claire

  • Thankyou for such an amazing reply. So so reassuring. I have definitely found the “waiting bits” by far the hardest. The operation has not been too bad at all. Can’t speak for the rest of it as yet. But praying my journey follows yours…… Thankyou for the reassurance??

    how are you finding the tamoxifen?

  • Ok not great news here

    surgeon just called and 1/4 nodes was positive

    and superior margin of tumour in breast wasn’t clear. It’s 23mm

    planning on oncotype testing for possible chemotherapy.

    another operation to remove the margin hopefully next week

    gutted. Feels like snakes and ladders. Feel like my prognosis just deteriorated and I’m back to square 1, except worse because now I’m facing chemo which was the thing I dread the most

    sad. Bit terrified. Sorry to dump……

  • Darling, very sad to hear that. I did mastectomy, but feeling emotionally unstable, really at lost.  I hope all to regain our heath fast