Diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer advice please

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  • 259 subscribers


I’ve today been diagnosed with ILC

all over the place mentally

one minute strong then catastrophising and terrifying myself my googling things

 as you can maybe see from the time can’t sleep!
heres my story so far and I’d love to share notes and especially love any reassurance

noticed a lump about a month ago

a mammogram last week showed nothing , neither did my routine one in january

a ultrasound last week did show a suspect lump (the one i felt)

axial looked normal on ultrasound 

biopsy done then

results today show ILC, grade 2, early stage ( he wouldn’t give a number)

its oestrogen positive don’t know yet about herceptin (I was told ilc usually negative) 

plan is mri tomorrow to check size and location and to check the other breast and lymph’s before probably lumpectomy in july

then radio then meds for 5 years

i think i can handle all that and actually wondering if I’d be better with a mastectomy as this kind of BC notoriously hard to find …..any thoughts?
also I’m completely  freaking out that it’s spread, sounds silly but now I can feel like my underarms are swollen! And I had awful heart burn earlier this year which I’ve just found out (thanks google )is a possible symptom of spread in ilc. I’ve been fit and well my whole life

oh and now I’m also stressing they will find it in other breast on mri

basically just having a middle of the night complete whitey

lonpve to compare notes or take advice


  • Amazing amazing. You obviously smashed it. Never met you and now you’re a role model!! ThumbsupMuscleThumbsupMuscleThanks so much 

  • If you watch Dr Liz O’Riordan on YouTube it will be a big help.  She has lobular cancer and explains do well about everything.  She was an oncoplastic breast surgeon in UK and got BC and cannot work now.  I love her.  
    Lobular cancer is missed so much as it grows in sheets .  It is a real sneaky one.  
    I wish you the best.  It is hard going through all of this especially at the beginning with tests etc.  I had invasivie ductal so can’t give information on treated.

    Hugs to you.


  • Just had doctor call the mri showed an 18mm lump but thankfully nothing else. So praying it stays that way. Lumpectomy and sentinel node removal/ biopsy in a couple of weeks then radiation 

  • Oh yes good news.  We grab every piece of positive news as it lifts us up.  Your plan is in place and I pray you have a smooth recovery.


  • Good news! It must be a relief to have a treatment plan in place.

  • That's good news.  Hopefully things won't change after the operation.

    Best  of luck with it.


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  • Yes me too dausy


    I don’t know what the stats are like for clear mri then finding something on SNB?

    yikes…… will try not to worry about that yet ( no doubt I will be soon though!)

  • Well ….. just when I thought I had a plan….. just been called in for another ultrasound, after my mri last week. At first they said fine nothing new to see. Now a second radiologist isn’t so sure…… so I’m really stressing again about what they have found. Honestly now thinking a mastectomy is on the cards. This thing is so evasive maybe that’s the “safer” option.

    i felt SO much better when I thought I knew what the plan was. Now I feel a bit back to square one and beginning not to trust any good news I get

    sorry to be so negative  

  • Very sorry to hear you’ve been called in for another ultrasound. It must be really worrying. They are being thorough, though, which is a good thing. Try to keep busy in the meantime to take your mind off it. A big hug x

  • Sorry to hear that you have been called in for another ultrasound.  No need to apologise for being negative, we all feel like that sometimes especially when plans change.  However take heart from the fact that they are making sure that they don't miss anything untoward.

    Sending you a hug. xxx

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