Surgical biopsy removing 2cm.

  • 7 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hi after my biopsy came back as inconclusive I am now booked in for a op to have 2cm removed for testing. The consultant said the area of concern is approx 5cm. Why would they not take the whole affected area out while they are operating rather than have to operate again if it is bad news? Also if I need chemo how soon after op and results would it start please? Has anyone had simular happen to them x

  • Hi Trentend59

    Don't take this as gospel, because I haven't had the same circumstances as you BUT I would say 5cms is quite a bit to just whip out without affecting your boob. 2cms however, is likely to be more doable without needing to think too much about a difference to the way your breast looks visually amongst other (probably more important things!) 

    Then there's the consideration of what type of cancer is it? (If it is at all ofcourse!) For example, some need chemo before surgery to shrink it and minimise the chances of recurrence, some require lumpectomy, mastectomy etc depending on what that specific type needs. Ofcourse.... If it's not cancerous, they might not want to do any of this!! 

    As far as chemo starting, they don't tend to hang around although it does depend on circumstances of your hospital. I started mine within 6 weeks of being diagnosed. I believe the target time is around 60 days. Sorry I can't give you everything you need but hope this helps a bit xx

  • Thank you for your reply . Yes thats the reason I thought it might be so they don't mess my boob up to much if its not necessary. My op is 27th June the day the next strike starts so hoping and praying its not cancelled. Already had a 3 wk wait after initial biopsy. Just want to know one way or the other x

  • Bless you, all the waiting is horrendous isn't it? It's like no mans land... The worst bit I think! You take care of yourself and good luck for your op. These strikes are a worry, but hopefully won't affect you... It's pretty bloomin important!! Xx

  • Thank you. You take care too and good luck with your treatment x x

  • Hello,  this is just my opinion but since it was inconclusive they probably don’t want to remove the whole 5 cm as that is a lot of tissue to remove especially if it is benign.  I don’t know about  chemo start date if it is cancer.  Did you ask the surgeon why he was not going to remove it all?  There are so many questions at the beginning and it can be difficult but once you know what you are dealing with it will get easier.  Hope you do not have cancer.  


  • Hi thought I would update you. Had a call today and they have moved my appt due to the strike but it is now next week on the 20th so pleased about that x

  • Boom Boom Grin love that, good work! Heart️Heart️