what shower gel to use after starting Tamoxifen and awaiting radiotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi there, im after some advice please . I started Tamoxifen about 2 weeks ago since then my usual shower gel has been causing irritation. Does anyone have any recommendations for non scented shower gel please? I was also wondering i havent get received my date for radiotherapy but should i be moisturising my skin prior to radiotherapy?

  • Hello,  I can help as I have a history of atopic dermatitis and my skin reacts to so many products that I have to be careful.  I use products from Avene and also Aveeno.  Currently using Avene xera calm lipid replenishing cleansing oil.  Not much suds but a nice clean feeling with no dryness.  
    I used Avene products during radiation and did great with very little redness or irritation.  Did have occasional itching on my breasts but used hydrocortisone with good relief.  Nipples were sore for about a week into radiation but got better.  I started moisturizing about a week before my radiation began.  I continue to moisturize my whole body as it keeps my skin barrier in good shape so I don’t get flare up of atopic dermatitis.  Take care and so important to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!

    I watch Dr Dray on YouTube.  A great dermatologist and she has talked before about products during chemotherapy and radiation.  She is good.  


  • Moogoo make specialised products for those on cancer treatment and I found their shower gel ultra gentle and non irritating 

  • I’ve also been told to use Radiaderm and the website says their cream should be used following the first session, so if you use that it doesn’t look like you need to pre moisturise. 

  • Hi,

    I used Faith in Nature shampoo and shower gel or Aveeno shower creme. During radiotherapy,  I also tried e45 shower creme to the area being treated. I had no problems. Oncology advised any medical grade moisturiser and a friend had used E45, which is what I got. I started using a week before radiotherapy, during, and for 2 weeks after and now use it a couple of times a week as needed. HTH.