Itchy nipple

  • 3 replies
  • 265 subscribers

Hi I am aware that I am probably over thinking this to much. And I know realistically this forum is for English members and I am from Ireland but it's really just advice I'm looking for

I saw my GP 5 weeks ago as I have this really bad itch around my nipple area for about 3 to 4 months and I am getting recurring sores all around this same breast that are taking months to heal.. so my gp referred me to the breast clinic. I obviously googled and it told me I could be looking at inflammatory breast cancer or pagets if there was anything sinister there. I have very lumpy breasts as well.

Anyway I went to the breast clinic today and when I say I was in and out in 7 mins today I am not exaggerating. He examined my breasts and asked where the lump was and I tried explain that's not why I was there but that I had been told I had lumpy breasts. He paid no attention to the sores on my breast and I tried explain about the itching. He said yes it's hormonal,  I said to him I don't get my period so didn't believe it was hormonal and he handed me a leaflet on breast pain. I said I don't have breast pain it's just itching all around the nipple. And he said no your OK nothing sinister !!! 

How can he tell that without doing any tests. I walked out of his office and burst into tears. I was so worked up and worried going for this appt. I was in and out and none the wiser after it and I just don't know how he could rule everything out without doing a test. Maybe I'm wrong and inflammatory bc or pagets don't have these symptoms but I am still so worried 

is it worth looking for a second opinion or am I just being silly and should take his word for it. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to post it

  • Hi messijenni welcome to the forum . Wherever you are from in the world you are most welcome.  If I was you I would be pushing for a second opinion. This doesn't sound like it has Been thorough in any shape or form and you have been left with more questions than answers. I' sorry to hear of your experience that is not how it is meant to be at all. Please  go back to the gp and ask for a second opinion and be very clear that you do not wish to see the same person again.. sending huge big hugs meantime xxx


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  • Hi

    i have had an itchy nipple area for several years. It clears up with steroid cream. I too was referred to the breast clinic - the dr took one look at it and said “my dear you have nothing to worry about”. I was soooo relieved however I have worried something may have been missed each time it flared up.

    last November I noticed a very noticeable lump in the other breast - I was referred to breast care and told the same day the suspicion was my lump was a tumour - and they were right.  HER2 positive tumour.  Listen to their advice.  They see differing cases day after day and know what they are looking for.  

    The advice I was given is Inflammatory breast cancer and Padgett do not clear up. If it clears up with steroids - it’s not cancer.

    I hope this helps - if it isn’t cancer enjoy the relief.


  • Hello,  I can feel your frustration and uncertainty so I think a second opinion is a great idea.  You need to feel confident about your situation and find the answer.  Go with your gut feeling as nobody knows your body better than you.  Also the Dr needs to take care of you.  Hugs to you.
