Advice for someone about to have mastectomy, radiotherapy, then delayed reconstruction? Treatment plan changed last minute

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I found out on Friday that my surgeon has decided he wants to do a delayed reconstruction.  This decision was made 4 days before my operation date (mastectomy,  node removal and TUG flap reconstruction) due to fears they could risk leaving some cancer cells behind if they did the reconstruction at the same time.   

The plan is now for me to have a mastectomy, skin removal and node clearance in 2 weeks time followed by 20 doses of radiotherapy over 4 weeks and a delayed reconstruction next year.

I'd not mentally prepared myself for having to live with a flat side or go through radiotherapy. I'm trying to keep positive but this on top of losing my hair and other physical changes from the chemotherapy has come as a huge blow.  I know it's temporary and i know it's about saving my life but I'm worried how this might potentially affect my mental health living with 1 flat side when i had mentally prepared for an inatant reconstruction.  

Please can anyone offer me any advice about how I can prepare for this?   Is there anything I might need to know about what's coming?  Or anything that you found useful or wish you'd known/done/not done?

Thank you.

  • That looks lovely. Hopefully it’ll look as lovely as the photo. With the temporary prosthesis I had to take some of the stuffing out as it was too big compared to my other breast. I’ve also ordered some prosthesis from a charity called knitted knockers which is another alternative. They send it for free and are very lightweight. They seem to fit better. X

  •     thank you.  I'm hoping it looks as nice as it does in the photo Fingers crossed

    Oh that's good to know about the Knitted Knockers as I ordered some this week.  Blush

    How are you managing with pain and mobility etc now that you're a few weeks in?   A nurse yesterday put the fear of god in me telling me I could be off work for 6 months following my operation as it's such a major op.   I only get 6 weeks sick pay so 6 months isn't really an option for me.  She also told me I'll struggle to work whilst having radiotherapy.  I work from home at a desk job and managed to work throughout my chemotherapy with no ississues.

  • The dress looks beautiful.

    regarding the bra and softie I’ve been told by my medical team that it’s better to wear it morning and night to help prevent swelling so i am Persevering with it. It’s a little uncomfortable but not terrible. My compression dressing is due to come off today which makes me nervous but it’s all fear of the unknown if that makes sense. I’m taking pain killers as prescribed and doing my exercises and so far it’s just been uncomfortable rather than painful. I am hoping this continues once the dressing is off.

  • The pain has gone now. I stopped my painkillers after a week from the surgery. I been doing my exercises daily and after around 3 weeks I was able to fully move my arm. I’m still off work as I’ve started chemotherapy. I may go to back to soon but will meet my manager at some point and see whether they would make any adaptations. If you’re using a computer all day it may aggravate your arm as I think they suggest avoiding repetitive movement and computer work for 4-6 weeks. With radiotherapy you should continue with the exercises indefinitely. You may need regular breaks from your computer. X

  • Love the dress and color is one of my favorites.  Should look beautiful and will make you feel wonderful.  Very stylish.  


  •    that makes sense about the bra and softie , Thank you.

    That's good to know that you're managing to do your exercises and are finding the pain levels manageable.

    Did you gave chemo before your op?  i was told it'll take longer to heal as I've had cheno first.

    How did you get on yesterday with removing the dressing?

  •   that's great news that the pain has gone and you've got your mobility back. That's really reassuring to know.  Did you have a node clearance too?

    I spoke to my managers again yesterday and they've stressed I must not rush back and need to take the time to heal.  We agreed that I'll finish work next Friday ahead on the op on 4th June.

    Wishing you all the best with the next stage of your treatment xx

  • I’ve not had any chemo. I was put on tamoxifen for a bit. Stopped that 2 weeks before surgery. I go back to see my surgeon on 5th of July where he will tell me how much radio therapy I need and if I will need chemo or not as well as when I will restart the tamoxifen.

    the dressing was a bit awkward to get off as it was trying to take the one underneath it too (that comes off Tuesday) I can move a bit more freely without it. Will be keeping an eye open for swelling or fluid build up but not feeling too bad at the moment.

  •    how have you found the Tamoxifen?  I think the plan is for me to go on that eventually but I'll have 12 months of phesgo injections first. 

    Have you been able to shower woth the dressings on?

    I hope that you're feeling better with each day thst passes. xx