Surgery after Olaparib

  • 1 reply
  • 266 subscribers

Hey I have had my left mastectomy last September finished 8 rounds of chemotherapy EC And Paclitaxel and 15 rounds of radiotherapy. Started exestamane hormone pill along side with Monthly zoladex for 5 years and will be starting Olaparib next week for 1 year. 
They are saying I can’t have my reconstruction until after the 1 year Olaparib but I don’t know how I feel about waiting another year to be put back together . Surely I can have a break from taking the pill to do the surgery then start the pill again a bit frustrating cause it seems every time I go there there is something else. I was told after radiotherapy wait 6 months then have the surgery now I have to take this pill for a year before surgery. 

  • Hi Lak95

    Sorry to hear that you have to wait a year to have reconstruction. Did they say why you need to wait that long? If they didn’t give your breast care nurse a ring to find out.

    Best wishes


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