TNBC immunotherapy a year on

  • 7 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hello all 

It's my first time posting here, I've been in the background reading other people's journey for a while. 

A bit of background to help with my questions:

My mum was diagnosed with TNBC, stage 3, grade 3 in Jan 2023. She had chemo & immunotherapy every 3 weeks for 5 months, a lumpectompy in Nov and then Jan this year 5 days of radiotherapy. 

We thought that would be the end of the treatment journey but her oncologist has put her back on immunotherapy (6 weekly) for 2 years. 

My mum isn't doing well this time. She lost her appetite again, lost weight, being sick, very tired and wobbly when she stands as her joints are aching. This has been going on for weeks. 

We'd just started to get our Mum back & this feels like a massive step backwards. 

I've contacted her GP to ask for meal replacement drinks to try and get some nutrients into her body & emailed her oncologist to explain the change we've seen and to see if we can see him asap. 

My question are:

Has anyone been through this same treatment plan and not had the 2 years immunotherapy after? 

Any tips on the side effects? (She has been taking the anti sickness tablets)

Recommendations on what we do next? 

I'm feeling pretty helpless at the moment so any advice to help my mum would be really appreciated. 

Thanks x 

  • Hi. Sorry to hear your mum is struggling with the treatment, that must be so frustrating for all of you.   I haven't had the same experience, but it might be helpful for you to have a chat with the lovely folks at Macmillan as they might be able to give you some advice.  You can call them on 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thanks for taking the time to reply. X 

  • Hi, I haven’t really posted much just used this for advice really, but reading your story it’s almost identical to my journey for the past year. I really feel for you and your mum and I’m so sorry she is struggling after going through all the treatments. 

    I’m 48 and was also diagnosed Tnbc in Jan last year, the same chemo and immunotherapy although I had a bad reaction to the immuno which caused damage to my adrenal glands. So it was stopped and just continued with the chemo, 12 weekly paclitaxel & Carboplatin then 3 weekly EC for another 4 sessions. 
    Then I had surgery in Dec lumpectomy and 5 lymph nodes removed, radiotherapy in Feb this year, and then my oncologist asked me to try immunotherapy again, I was a bit dubious due to my previous experience, but as my oncologist said, the damage is done now, so it shouldn’t cause any more problems! 

     I’m only having 5 immunotherapy sessions once every 6 weeks, so not the 2 years your mum has been advised. 

    i would definitely speak to your oncologist and ask if anything is showing up in the bloods,I was told the reactions to the immuno are rare but they do happen, I’ve been left with adrenal failure for life and have to take steroids to manage it. It may be that your mum has had a similar reaction to the immuno.

    I really hope you get to the bottom of this asap and that your mum starts to pick up and feel better soon. hang on in there. 

    love and hugs Sharon xx 

  • Hi Sharon, 

    Thanks for coming forward and sharing your journey. It helps to know that you've been through the same. I feel for you all battling cancer.  

    Immuno wiped out her 1 kidney last year which paused treatment for a while so we were nervous about having it again.  

    I do sit in all the oncology appointments so I'll ask about the bloods before the next round of chemo. It's a shame her key worker never contacts her as she could have been supported a little better through this. 

    Out of interest, did your oncologist explain what would happen if you didn't have the follow up immunotherapy? We didn't ask as we were shocked at the further 2 years.

    Wishing you all the best with your continued treatment. Big hugs xx 

  • Ah you are welcome, it’s good to be able to share our experiences. 
    my oncologist drew me a 5 year graph to show the benefit from having the immunotherapy and the difference in reoccurrence rates with having it vs not having it, and it was quite a big difference, he told me they have just released a 5 year report on the benefits of the immuno and that’s why he recommends having it. 
    I really hope you can get to the bottom of this and your mum starts to feel better soon xx

  • I am in a slightly different situation as I didn’t have immunotherapy until I had been diagnosed with secondary cancer on my liver. Originally I just had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy for my TNBC. The plan was for me to be on immunotherapy (Pembrolizumab) for 2 years, with additional chemo for the first 6 months. After about 5 months I had what is known as an immunotherapy related adverse event, where my immune system did harm to various organs, in my case kidneys, thyroid, lungs. The event was serious enough to mean I couldn’t have any more immunotherapy. Before that I hadn’t had any side effects from it, other than one instance of a rash. 

    My crisis was picked up through a pre-treatment blood test, before I had symptoms, and I was immediately hospitalised. My hospital has an acute oncology 24x7 hotline and they triage you and bring you in for tests if appropriate. If your mum has similar, I recommend she calls them.

  • Thanks for taking the time to share you experience.

    Pembro did the same to mum's kidney and she had to have quite a few blood transfusions throughout treatment.  

    She's due her next round on Wed next week so we'll see if the pre treatment blood tests show anything. 

    Thanks again for replying. All really helpful. X