Commencing Letrozole..? When

  • 15 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Margins cleared with re-excision two weeks ago. Saw breast care nurse today. Was given a prescription for Letrozole which I was advised to take when I felt ready (within reason!).Awaiting appointment with oncologist. I know radiotherapy is strongly recommended. I'm tempted to wait until I have seen oncologist  before commencing Letrozole to see what percentage difference it will make. I would welcome other members experiences of when they commenced Letrozole (or any other Aromatase Inhibitor). 

  • Hi I too have been prescribed  Letrozole, but only start radiotherapy in a week or two. I read somewhere to take the drug after radiotherapy, to deal with side affects of both if any one at a time. Is this so or should I take Letrozole before radiotherapy? An6 thoughts? 

  • Hi I was diagnosed January, lhad umpectomy February 7th and radiotherapy mid April. The breast surgeon prescribed Letrozole at end of February after I had a blood test to check if I was post menopausal. When I discussed taking it with the surgeon I said I was worried about taking it and needed some time to consider side effects versus the benefit. He said that was fine. When I  had my consultation with the oncologist I had decided I would take it and spoke to him about it and he agreed for me to wait until 2-4 weeks after radiotherapy was over so I  didn't have 2 lots of side effects. I've been taking it for 1 week now so probably early to say what side effects are. I have felt fatigue some days but that could be the radiotherapy side effects as well. My cancer was downgraded to stage 1 and found to be smaller and less aggressive than expected when they removed it  so that was also a consideration that I could afford to take some time to think about it. Sending hugs and best wishes xx

  • Hello,  I started Anastrazole after radiotherapy.  However if there is a long wait for radiation the aromatase inhibitor may be started earlier.  Take care of yourself.  I have been on anastrazole for 2 years so every year a celebration.  3 more years to go!!


  • I started 4 weeks after surgery . Radiotherapy markers tomorrow ( 8 weeks after surgery ). You can calculate your benefit in PREDICT , if you have  all the info

    it’s what the oncologist will use . 

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I too was diagnosed in January, but mine has been a longer time scale. I had lumpectomy March 14th, and re-excision 29th April (results took a while to come back). I have now been referred to oncology, but that will take a couple of weeks or so to be seen. I have to wait around eight weeks from the second surgery to start radiotherapy. I am 71  with  lobular cancer, 2.5 cms, grade 2, er/pr positive, Her2 negative, node negative and no lympho-vascular invasion. I too am concerned re: side-effects of letrozole. I declined onco-typing. I would prefer to see the oncologist before commencing letrozole, but I'm starting t worry about time-scales. Sending love and hugs to you too xx 

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Sending love and best wishes xx

  • Thank you so much for replying. Do you mind me asking if you were you offered oncotyping?

  • Mine is lobular , same grade and 2cm , node negative . The onco wasn’t pushing the Anastrazole but I said I would start it before radiotherapy . I’m sure you’ll be getting a pre radio appointment soFingers crossed Fingers crossed

  • Would you mind me asking if you were offered oncotyping?

  • Not originally ,,which is what held up my radiotherapy (but also had a reaction to post op dressing , so couldn’t have had it anyway).

    predict had me as low risk , so I didn’t meet NHS criteria . BUPA funded it , came back as 18 ( post meno ), so no chemo . But at least I know now .