Hair loss & chemo

  • 6 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi, I haven’t posted in a while &  hope everyone is doing well.

I am being treated for breast cancer & am almost out the other side of my  treatment…. I had a lumpectomy December 2023, started 12 weekly rounds of Picataxal & 6 monthly Herceptin injections in January 2024 & today I have completed 5 rounds of Radiotherapy, 

Can somebody throw me any light of chemo & hair loss. I had my final chemo treatment on the 10th April & cold capped for the entire 12 weekly rounds of Picataxal. At week 5 my hair started to shed for a couple of weeks, then it completely stopped, I was obviously really pleased when it did, then at week 10 it stated again & is still falling out now & considerably more than it did initially. Has anyone else experienced this & if so how long after treatment did your hair stop falling out & how long before it started to regrow? I do still have about 70% although it is very thin, dry & my scalp is quite visible now. 

Thank you to all who took the time to read this…

Love & best wishes to you all Xx

  • Hi,

    I had my last chemo on Apr 2nd. I didn't cold cap and lost most of my hair. I now have peach fuzz hair, so it is growing. I can only see it in a certain light. I'm still losing my eyebrows and the few hairs I kept.

    Take care x

  • Hi LuckyD

    Thank you for your reply..Heartpulse So glad your hair is growing back & you’re also off the chemo train too. 
    I know given what we have all been through, hair isn’t the most important part of going through treatment, but i’ve not known anybody who this has happened to & was getting concerned that my hair may all come out & not ever grown back. 

    Take careHeartpulseHeartpulseHeartpulse


  • Hi Tilly 

    I finished my chemotherapy (EC and paclitaxel treatment ) also radiotherapy October 2023. l did not cold cap so l lost my hair completely within a month after starting treatment I did use uklash hair serum throughout my treatment and also washed and condition my hair as usual with mild shampoo I used rosemary shampoo  and conditioner faith in nature, although I had no hair I found it kept my scalp moisturised.  Within three months after end of treatment I did have my hair trimmed around ears and back , it made it look a lot thicker just had my second cut and I am now feeling a lot happier with  my hair .  It soon grows back and it surprising how quick it does and then you will feel much better 

    you take care

    love Jayne xx

  • Hi,

    I did cold cap, lost quite a lot of hair. It was growing back at the same time as it was still shedding. It was 4-5 weeks before I stopped loosing it. Your hair growing back and when it stops falling  out was a big moment for me, as it is a visual sign your body is recovering from the onslaught chemo gives it. 

  • Hi Shade, 

    Thank you for replying to my message.
    Im hoping I'm just being inpatient & my hair will will recover as yours has. Our poor bodies have endured so much, like you say I’m also looking forward to some sort of sign to say its recovery. Pray

    Take care & may you continue to have big positive moments…Heartpulse



  • Thank you Jayne, 

    I’m probably just being inpatient with the shedding & maybe I should of been a bit kinder to my scalp, although I have only used mild shampoo and conditioner & only wash it once a week, but didn’t moisturize my scalp. Was a bit alarming to see how much hair was & still is falling out after the chemo stopped, I knew there was a high chance my eyelashes & eyebrows would fall after treatment, so that hasn’t been such a shock. 

    Hope all is going well for you…Pray

