Docetaxel DVT and PE’s

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I had EC Chemo x3 following a mastectomy at Christmas. I did have severe nausea after each treatment for 2 weeks and nothing helped. 
I began the 1st of 3 Docetaxel Chemo on 11th April and was really unwell with side effects. I then had pain and swelling at the back of my left knee down to my toes, along with severe breathlessness. Admitted to hospital on 30th April with suspected blood clots. 
CT scan showed bilateral pulmonary embolisms, with pressure on my heart. My heart rate rose to a dangerous level and my sats were 89%. I needed constant oxygen for a week and finally discharged last Weds. 

I have 2 remaining Chemo treatments and an operation to remove my auxiliary lymph nodes.

I have an appt with my Oncologist tomorrow to discuss a plan going forward. Feeling quite lost with it all and scared about having anymore chemo Cry