Lymph Node Removal and Areola Pain

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

My surgeon removed 10 lymph nodes that were all clear. Currently my areola is extremely inflamed and painful. Even after my radiation treatment ended early January. Does anybody know - do the lymph nodes have anything to do with the areola and nipple?

neither the surgeon nor the radiologist oncologist have any answers for me about why my areola is so painful and swollen.

  • Hi Cinamingrl

    i hooe you seen my post re sore nipples. In the end they took a blood test and it turned out i have an infection. I had been saying this to the clinic for three weeks but because i didn't have a temperature or weeping from the wound they didn't do anything further. Get them to do a blood test … you shouldnt be weeping from wound. Good luck xx

  • Good advice, you have to keep going back if it doesn't go away. I worked as a health visitor and breast inflammation can be fungal infections too. It doesn't always show the outside and can be itchy. X

  • Thank you for the advice also.