Grade 3 Invasive ductal carcinoma

  • 13 replies
  • 263 subscribers

Hello to anyone reading these posts and I hope you are all doing as well as possible. 

I've been scrolling the forums trying to find someone in a similar position but there aren't as many posts in the under 50s group

I'm 39 and have invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3. I have been recommended a wide local excision and a sentinel node biopsy. Having a contrast mammogram on both in a few days. It is triple positive so radiotherapy and chemotherapy have been projected for treatment. 

Has anyone else had grade 3? I feel very calm but strangely alarmed and fascinated at the growth of it. My nipple is itching constantly and the lump is now growing right under it. This is in the space of a few weeks so my surgeon is going to see me on Tuesday as I want a full mastectomy. 

If anyone has any information or similar experience please do get in touch xx

  • I’m ok thanks. Have my ups and downs. I hope it all goes ok for you x

  • Hi Connie20.  I am also triple positive.  Originally stage 2 but unfortunately pathology after surgery found metastases in one of the lymph nodes.  I had chemo and antibody treatment/immunotherapy.  Then surgery and then radiotherapy.  Because they found mets in the lymph node I have been having further chemo along with the immunotherapy and also started the hormone therapy.  I’ve also had zometa to protect the bones.  I didn’t have a mastectomy only a lumpectomy.  I was told that providing they get clear margins it’s good.  And they did.  Keep in touch and chat if you need to or have questions.  Ther are so many lovely people on here who share experience and advice and I’ve found it really helpful.  Xxx

  • My daughter was diagnosed with the same just this week.  Hers is ER/PR negative but still waiting on the HER2 results. Hers is in lymph nodes as well so waiting on a CT scan. The wait is awful and I’m devastated for her.