Grade 3 Invasive ductal carcinoma

  • 13 replies
  • 263 subscribers

Hello to anyone reading these posts and I hope you are all doing as well as possible. 

I've been scrolling the forums trying to find someone in a similar position but there aren't as many posts in the under 50s group

I'm 39 and have invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3. I have been recommended a wide local excision and a sentinel node biopsy. Having a contrast mammogram on both in a few days. It is triple positive so radiotherapy and chemotherapy have been projected for treatment. 

Has anyone else had grade 3? I feel very calm but strangely alarmed and fascinated at the growth of it. My nipple is itching constantly and the lump is now growing right under it. This is in the space of a few weeks so my surgeon is going to see me on Tuesday as I want a full mastectomy. 

If anyone has any information or similar experience please do get in touch xx

  • Hi. I’m 41 and was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal cancer too. 2 weeks ago I had a mastectomy and all the lymph nodes removed and of 15 they all had cancer. My treatment is chemo, radiotherapy and drug treatment after. I’m due to start chemo in 2 weeks once I’ve had a heart scan. I was initially devastated then felt terrified about surgery but now I’m ok although now worried about chemo. Any questions or anything you want to talk about feel free to message me. It sounds like we may be in a similar boat. X

  • Hello, im 45 and was diagnosed in Feb with DCIS and IDC in my right breast. I’ve been having annual mammograms since I was 40 and I found a large lump 10mths after my last mammogram which came as a massive shock as it seemed to come up overnight.

    I chose to have a mastectomy without any reconstruction which was done on the 19th March along with SLNB which came back as positive for all 5 nodes. Was also informed that it’s Grade 3 ER+ HER2-

    Due to the cancer being upgraded to Grade3 I had to have a top to toe CT scan to check for any further spread past the nodes. This wait was without doubt the worst ever time. Nothing you can do but wait and trust the team but my BCN is an absolute legend and has been representing me and my wishes including chasing things up for me to keep things moving along. 

    I’m back in surgery on Tuesday for a full lymph node clearance then over to oncology to find out about radio/chemo and hormone treatment.

    With regards to the mastectomy, I planned for the worst but found I could cope with it really well with hardly any pain or discomfort. I was back light jogging after 2 weeks and the scar has healed really well with a daily massage using a light moisturiser. Didn’t have a drain but have developed a seroma which I go and get drained every few weeks but it’s not a massive problem.

    For me the key really is to find the positives in things. I journal daily to get thoughts and feelings out of my head then I can move on and past things. Yes sometime I can wobble and get overwhelmed bit I think it’s good to let emotions out rather than keep bottled up.

    My surgeon is also aware that once this treatment is complete I will be electing to have a mastectomy to the remaining breast.

    Well looks like I’ve proper waffled on but hopefully you may have found useful.

    Any questions or advice/ support needed feel free to reach out.

    Louise xx 

  • I’ve also started to write a daily journal to see if it helps. I’m glad you’ve recovered well from your surgery. I’ve been told I’m at high risk of my cancer coming back. I’ve never thought of having a mastectomy on other breast. Have you been told that you’re at risk of breast cancer coming back. X

  • Hi, nice to chat with you.

    I’ve not been told that….yet!

    due to family history Ive always expected a diagnosis but feel it’s about 10years too early if that makes sense, and I thought having annual mammograms anything would be caught early. Bummer eh!

    Although reluctant at first I feel I’ve deff got my surgeon on side for an elective mastectomy on the ‘good’ side.

    I'm going to be pushing for a hysterectomy later aswell due to being ER+ and high risk of recurrence and poss problems with tamoxifen with other meds I’m presently taking.

    My thoughts are anything I don’t need can be taken away if means my chances balance out a bit more in my favour.

    Good for you with the journal. It’s not something I’ve ever done but I’m really finding it useful and my go to place to empty my head. Keep going with it, it soon becomes a habit that’s proved really beneficial to me 

    Good luck with it xx

  • I wish I had annual mammograms as maybe it would have picked something up earlier. I wasn’t at high risk as no family history. I only ever had one lump in the breast about 10 years or so ago which was benign so that was the only lump I ever felt. It was only when the breast started to go red and inflamed that I saw the GP. 

    If you’re at high risk it’s definitely worth considering but it’s major surgery. Once I get the gene tests back if iy comes back saying I have one of the genes maybe I’ll explore elective surgery to reduce the risk once all this is over. I’ll end up going into early menopause anyway so won’t need my ovaries anymore x

  • Have you been told how long the wait is for the gene testing? I’m still waiting results for that also.

    Can I ask, did you have the node clearance at the same time as your mastectomy surgery and how have you found recovery following the node removal? 

    also have you any idea of how long the wait is to find out your next treatment pathway?

    im not a very patient patient and the wait between treatments I find most challenging. If I at least had dates I would have something to focus on.


  • Hi Connie20, I am new here, I am invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3. ER+PR+, now waiting test result of Her2......I am having the same feeling as you "I feel very calm but strangely alarmed and fascinated at the growth of it".

    I don't want to think the result Her2 +/- now...let wait the result and overcome it.

    I need to do mastectomy, but the doctor said if Her2+, need to do chemo first.  Otherwise, surgery first.

    I am under 50 not yet menopause, worrying later I have to take medicine as hormone positive.

    Hopefully I will have result and know the complete treatment plan asap. Still waiting the next appointment time.  I am expecting to get it next week.

  • Hi RKD, hope you are well.  I am in the similar boat.  Did you do reconstruction at the same time?  How long you have to wait for starting chemo after surgery ?

  • Unfortunately I couldn’t do reconstruction as I'm pregnant and it would mean longer under anaesthetic which the doctors didn’t want. I haven’t got a confirmed date of chemo but I’ll be waiting around 4-5 weeks. I’m waiting for an echo to check my heart first. How about you? X

  • I have ER/PR + I have been told I need to do mastectomy.  Now, still waiting result, if Her2 + need to do chemo before surgery. Otherwise do mastectomy first. I have options to do reconstruction, I want to do it at the same time using own tissues.  But worrying it will take long time recovery and then wait for longer time to start treatment.

    Hope you are ok in this difficult time.  
