Herceptin on its own - side effects

  • 4 replies
  • 251 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I've not posted for a while and hope everyone is doing well. I finished chemo late November and now have Herceptin injections every three weeks. I've had 12 so far and the side effects seem to be increasing. I've had painful joints throughout, always a reaction at the injection site, very brittle nails and generally feel rubbish for a week. More recently I've been getting a metallic taste and pain in my teeth and jaw - a bit like putting silver foil on a filling ( feels hyper sensitive). Insomnia also getting worse. I wondered if anyone else who is just receiving Herceptin has/had any of these side effects? My oncologist says it's all probably menopause, but I definitely feel they are related to the Herceptin. I'm due to continue for a year, but have read that six months worth can be just as beneficial. I'd be interested to hear of anyone else's experience. Many thanks in advance.

  • Hi Moomin48

    im similar to you - finished chemo (docytaxel & carboplatin) in January & have been having just Herceptin jabs wvwry 3 weeks since.  During the chemo my nails were good & i used ‘Polybalm’ religiously… think i rested on my laurels a bit & stopped using it and recently theyve gone awful - brittle and white edges as if they are glong to lift off!

    Wondering if its the herceptin (oncologist says it rarely gives side effects?) or if its chemo still working its way out! 
    ive felt more tired over the last few weeks but dont feel unwell.. but i notice my joints arw stiff (bit not painful).. ive managed to start running again but very slowly & ive found doing some yoga helps.  Im having loads of hot flushes every day which may be linked to menopause (ive just turned 50)..  did your oncologist suggest taking anything?

    hopefully these nigglew will go once all treatment is finished! Are you working at all?

    thanks and take care x

  • Hi,

    Thanks for replying. That does all sound quite similar. My first round of chemo put me straight into menopause (no period since July. I was 47) and I'm also getting lots of hot flushes. They tend to be worse at night ( or perhaps I just notice them more!).  I have Zoplicone sleeping tablets twice a week, as was finding it difficult to function. I am back at work, but only 3 days a week at the moment. I have quite a full-on job, so just taking it steady. I also take codeine from time to time if pain ramps up. Did you lose your hair with chemo? I lost about 60% and it's growing back very slowly. My existing hair is very dry, like my skin and nails. Like you I was very good and they were fine during chemo. GP suggested mild antidepressants for the flushes, I tried cirtraline but it didn't agree with me. Kudos on the running, I've had to give that up for now. I'm doing body pump and swimming, as I'm hoping it'll strengthen up my joints etc. My oncologist is great but very tough and basically says I just have to get on with it. Ha! It's reassuring to hear my symptoms are not too unusual. Thanks again for replying and I hope the rest of your treatment goes well xxx

  • Thank you.. we can finish this!!!!

    same with my hair…I did cold cap throughout the 6 sessions and it was quite short to start with but it did really thin out and I went quite patchy/bald in the front & sides so after attempting a few dodgy comb overs (!) I got it shaved to a buzz cut all over which was much tidier and freeing!!! It’s grown back fairly quickly (I was recommended rosemary shampoo - I use the Faith in Nature range) but it’s so dark now! (Ok natural ha ha!! Not been that colour for 35 years!).. can’t wait to have a proper cut & colour again … think it may be some months yet though!

    good luck too! X

  • Hi

    I’m at the beginning of the road with all this - I’ve had 2 out of 4 EC and then to have 12 cycles of another. I’m HER positive and hormone sensitive. I’ve been told that I’ll only be on herceptin for 6 months not the year. It might be worth discussing this with your oncologist - seems crazy to have to endure a full year if things have changed.