Abemaciclib and headaches

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers


I've been on abemaciclib for 20 months at 100mg (my white cells were too low on 150mg). 

I'm so tired most of the time and been having bad headaches. The headaches probably started last year but have got worse probably have a headache at least 4 days a week. Paracetamol doesn't touch it. 

I assume if it was anything serious I would have had more symptoms by now.

Has anyone else had headaches on this medication? Has anyone reduced the dose to 50mg. The trial data doesn't seem to make any difference relative to the dose .

Thanks x

  • Hi, I’ve had a couple of headaches when I first started the medication but headaches are a listed side effects. This cancer journey is rubbish isn’t it. I’m the same, are the aches and pains I get due to the medication or recurrence. I would advise if you are worried talk to BCN or Gp or Oncologist, that’s what I have done and had a bone scan last week just awaiting results. I just thought no matter what the results are I decided I need to know for certain. Fingers crossed we are both ok. 

  • Thanks I've rang oncology. I've been putting it off because I'm.worried they will send me for a scan and not sure I want to know! Best face up to as you say xx

  • That’s exactly how I felt too.