Calcium levels

  • 3 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Good afternoon,  I had breast cancer 3 years ago with lymph node involvement,. Surgery, radio and chemo all staff were amazing. Just a random question but I am at the end of my tether with worry, mainly thanks to Dr Google. I had a blood test recently (pre zometa), which showed higher calcuim levels. Has anyone else had higher calcuim levels and everything has been OK (take adcal, hit and miss). Thanks for your time.x

  • I would be grateful to hear anyones experience good or bad. Thanks

  • My levels have been OK, and I do know from other forums that people have sometimes havr high calcium levels due to taking supplements.  When they rice the supplements the level drops.  I used to have extremely low vitamin D ('lower than most people in the UK' according to my doctor) I take a supplement some days,  and that's taken it to the higher end of normal!

    Maybe talk to your breast nurse or gp about it though to check levels again and see if there are other tests that might clarify things.  I'm presuming that your levels weren't really high? 

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Thankyou..that's reassuring. Having another blood test tomorrow. I am not a patient patient Unamused