Breast cancer and Abemaciclib

  • 4 replies
  • 267 subscribers


I am new to the group. I'm a 78 year old woman

fairly fit, who had a mastectomy on 4th January, a 3 week

course of radiotherapy which has just finished and now

have been offered Abemaciclib which I've got to make a 

decision on in the next couple of weeks. I am undecided what to do

Has anyone any advice on this please.

  • Hi, I would say give them a go. If side effects are too much for you( if you get them) you can reduce your dose or stop taking this medication . It’s a personal decision. There is a thread on here with the experience of many who are taking this drug. I am on my 7th cycle, and so far still on 150mgs. The research suggests that this drug reduces recurrence. Best wishes with your decision.

  • Thanks so much, I have taken that on board. It means a lot to have someone with experience of this drug.

  • Hello TaffsWell,  I certainly understand how you feel about making this decision as our bodies are a different now that we are older.  I am 75 now and had DCIS in right breast and stage 1 in left back in 2021.  Had 2 lumpectomies and bilateral radiation to both breasts and now on anastrazole for 5 years.  I guess you have been offered abemaciclib as you may have a chance of recurrence and they want to decrease that chance.  I know it is a very personal decision and I have no personal experience with the drug so guess my advice would be to see how you react to it and I know that they can decrease dosage if you have side effects.  Since you are healthy I say take a chance.  The need to personalize the medication is so important.  Also check with Dr to see if other options.  Take care.


  • Thank you for your feedback, it's so good to know there are other's out there like me.

    Best wishes