Letrozole side effects after one year

  • 4 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Just wondering if anyone has had side effects one year into Letrozole treatment. I have been on the tablets for a year then all of a sudden my back and knees are aching so bad in a morning that can hardly get out of bed.  Have also just been told my hair is looking thinner, which just confirmed what I was thinking. I had a lumpectomy March 23 and radiation in April, then at same time started Letrozole Accord. Have always stuck to same brand. Does anyone else have this so long into this medication. Thanks x

  • Hi I still have achy legs and feet when I get up x

  • Hi

    I had therapeutic mammoplasty then radiotherapy, I've been on letrozole  for around 18 months 

    I have  back ache ,and very painful legs, my mobility isn't the best

    My gp has prescribed Nefopam,it takes the edge off it,some brands are better with Letrozole,I've been on several different ones,Glenmark have suited me the best

    Feel as though my body has aged drastically

    Yes I have noticed my hair is a lot thinner too

    Take care


  • Thank you for replying..yes everything aches first thing then goes off with me after an hr ish x

  • Thanks for reply Kittycougar, yes I feel like that too that body has aged so much in last year, but for me weirded that side effects seem to have just happened over night, ie the hair thinning and bones hurting. I seemed ok on Accord brand x