EC - eye floaters?

  • 5 replies
  • 270 subscribers

I’m on my second round of EC. At the end of first round noticed eye floaters in left eye. Had ophthalmologist check out and couldn’t agree that chemo caused it, possibly coincidence due to age related onset. I have now developed floaters in my right eye. Anyone else having chemo/EC developed these? Did they fade after treatment ends?
it’s not a major concern according to ophthalmologist, just a bit annoying.

  • Hi, I  haven’t experienced this myself, but I noticed you've not had any responses yet as the site is quite busy. My response will bump your post back to the top and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon. Best wishes  

    Community Champion badge

  • Hello Jolliepie

    i had terrible trouble with my eyes during treatment I was on EC and paclitaxel although I did not have floaters I had terrible blurred vision . My breast care nurses told me to have a check with optician but not to change my glasses. I had a thorough check and was told my eyes had deteriorated and they gave me drops to moisturise the eyes because they were very dry .. I was told to come back in 6 months and have another eye test.  I am now 6 months on, chemotherapy and radiotherapy finished and my eyes have improved .

  •   I had the same. No floaters but bad eyesight. I’m quite sure chemo affected my eyes.

      It’s too much of a coincidence. I’d suggest you talk to your oncologist about it. 

  • I’ve spoken to both ophthalmologist who is going to monitor it - I have a follow up in 4 weeks. Haven’t spoken to my oncologist since first appointment but I get a phone call from oncology nurse following bloods/prior next chemo- last time she said couldn’t be chemo but It does seem a bit of a coincidence- I’ll mention it again on Wednesday before my last EC

  • You might find this paper interesting

    I don't recall problems from chemo but it was over 3 years ago and my memory of it has faded but I have since being on exemestane found my eyes have deteriorated rapidly dry sore eyes and cataracts. Yes it could be put down to age but seems a bit convenient and I seem to be worse than my contemporaries who aren't on oestrogen-blocking drugs. Good luck x