Zolodronic Acid Infusions

  • 2 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I just wanted to ask if anyone has had Zolodronic Acid Infushion, and what sort of side effects they had?
I had my first dose on Tuesday along with Herceptin Injection at 2pm and by 2am I had the worst joint pain in my knees, flu like symptoms, back ache.

i suffer with Arthritic knees anyway but this has left me completely house bound for the last two days, and now on a reducing course of steroids to try and get this awful inflammation under control. 
Anyone else had terrible joint pain? 

The Herceptin Injection was my 4th. 

  • That's not good, there does seem a direct link for you. My knees flare up at time but not after the Zoledronic acid infusion. Letrozole adversely affected  my knee. It wasn't instant  it took a while to happen. I'm on Tamoxifen now. Keep moving as much as you can. Moving gets the synovial fluid moving in the joint. Hope it improves soon. X

  • Thank you for your reply Sabrina22. 
    I was having a few problems with a swollen knee before the infusion as I’ve been taken off all RA meds since diagnoses, I don’t think the Herceptin Injections are helping but the infusion seem to be the key here, definitely a link. 
    I am better today and moving more, just had my first Radiotherepy today, so moving forward Blush