Kadcyla… have you cold capped on this?

  • 11 replies
  • 285 subscribers

Hi All,

I cold capped all through Docetaxel and Paclitaxel and retained some hair.

I had surgery 5 weeks ago and now require Kadcyla (14 rounds every 3 weeks). Has anyone cold capped on Kadcyla? They say there’s a 10% chance of losing hair and don’t offer cold cap for this treatment. 10% risk of hair loss is a lot to me after all I’ve been through and all the effort I made using cold cap on the neo-adjuvant rounds. My oncologist put on my notes that I want to continue cold capping, but the chemo ward trying to talk me out of it.

Any experiences and feedback will be gratefully received.



  • I checked on the Paxman calculator and that drug isn’t there. However if they said a 10% risk of hair loss that’s 90 that you could keep which seems very high. I will be on AC-T and Paxman calculator says 35% chance of keeping 50% of hair. 
    Don’t let chemo ward talk you out of it. As it’s also really good for regrowth even if you do lose it! I hate hearing stories of hospitals giving info out and not recognizing the impact of hair loss. Go for it and you are lucky you are half way through I am only starting next week! 


  • Thank you so much. Yes, 90% is high for retaining, but 10% to lose is high having gone through lots already. Thanks for the link. I’ll research more x

  • Hi Dkbythesea 

    I didn't cold cap through my Ec and Docetaxel and lost my hair but it started growing back on Docetaxel and kept growing through my 14 rounds of kadcyla. 

    If you would like more info on my kadcyla treatment please ask and I will try and answer. 

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment 


  • Good luck with your start of treatment next week. Take each day as it comes and rest up. Xx

  • Thanks so much Carolyn x

  • I cold capped through docetaxil and Carboplatin and although my hair thinned I didn’t lose it all. I had 14 rounds of Kadcyla without cold cap and hair continued to thicken so no problems. Good luck with your treatment. Xx

  • Hi there , hope it's not too late. I'm starting Kadcyla in a weeks time , any advice? Thanks in advance x 

  • Hi Blue Ladybird

    Everyone is different but my experience of kadcyla was a breeze, apart from tiredness after the infusion a good night sleep sorted that out and I was fine the next day . All I can say is stay hydrated and make sure you rest after.

    If you have any specific questions you would like answered please feel free to ask me and I will certainly try to answer them as I know how daunting it can be.

    Carolyn x

  • Hi Carolyn , i cant believe i missed your reply and i was looking out for them! 

     Thanks so much for replying and offer to answer more. Appreciate it. All planned for Wed. Fingers crossed i dont lose my hair  and nit sick. The oncologist has px an antiemetic Odan  as Im emetaphobic.  Bev x