1st Chemotherapy 22/04

  • 5 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi ,so I have had the date to start my treatment.I will have a PICC line inserted on the 18th.I will be honest these last 3 weeks have been a blur.So many phonecalls and appts.Went back today after a recall from breast MRI,radiologist said as far as he can see it all looks normal but has taken biopsies to make sure.Just hoping if anyone could give me some tips for preparing for chemotherapy IE foods,drinks,dos and donts.I appreciate this will be personal to each person xx

  • I found that much of what I prepared wasn’t needed. I’ll point out only the things that I wish I knew:

    • Soft socks and soft underwear. 
    • https://www.amazon.co.uk/Polybalm-Polyphenol-Remedy-Natural-Cream/dp/B085766XC2 It’s expensive but good. Get it before you need it. I delayed cause I thought my feet were doing well and all of a sudden they weren’t and I was trying to control the damage.
    • Duolingo if you’re into it. Too much time lying in bed was getting me depressed. Then I started learning French. At least for me it made the world of difference mentally.

    Best if luck with your chemo. Count them down and cheer yourself on :)

  • Thank you,that is great.Yes I will be keeping my mind busy even if my body needs rest.Hope.you are on the road to recovery xx

  • Doing much better, done with the main treatment and on letrozole now for the next 5 years. Found the chemo to be the toughest of the treatment. Not impossible but hard. Do you have anyone to help out? 

  • Yes I'm very lucky,my partner is amazing and I have such supportive family and friends.Im glad you are at the end of the hardest part of treatment xx

  • That’s great! Happy for you :) I found that it was very helpful having someone around to do things like shopping, cooking, making you a cup of tea when you’d like one and can’t get out of bed. I know that a lot of people organise things great on their own but I was so glad to have someone help with everyday things when I was feeling exhausted. 

    Also I found it good to sleep through chemo. I brought a blanket, a small pillow (they give you one but more is better), took my shoes off, chair all the way to the back, headphones and an audiobook at dozed off. I also had a bottle of juice with me (btw you can use the bathroom during chemo so drink anything you like) and a little bottle of lemon smelling cream, cause I liked sniffing it. Generally I’d say try to pamper yourself with little things that you like. Silly little stuff that makes you happy can make a difference sometimes :)

    Also good idea to get a PICC line. I didn’t and my veins are kinda damaged. Now every time I need to have a blood test they have to try twice.. :/