Left in Limbo

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After finding a lump on my left breast a few months ago I attended the Breast Clinic today where I seen a lovely consultant who didn’t seem concerned about the lumps but sent me for mammogram and ultrasound scan. Mammogram which I was really dreading turned out to be fine and then ultrasound doctor said she could clearly identify the lumps and said she would’ve sent me back up for biopsies but as the consultant wasn’t too concerned she said come back in a month if it’s still there and still sore. Has this happened to anyone else as I feel like I’m kind of left in limbo!!!

  • I was left in limbo.

    I went in to have a metal pin inserted in my right breast where I had cancer and was asked if I had result of MRI.  I hadn't and was informed that there was something show up on "the other side"  He was referring to the left breast! I didn't know what they meant because I didn't have the results and was shown an image on the x-ray.  I was really scared because I was put on the spot and asked if I wanted to have a biopsy on my left breast.  I had to make a decision there and then as to what to do.  I went for the biopsy but was never informed to the result.  I had to ring for my results.  For ages I was worried I might have cancer in both breasts.

  • Positive12 wow what if you said no to biopsy and there was something wrong? They are the experts and should be making the decisions!!! I got the feeling the doctor doing the ultrasound didn’t want to go against the consultant as she was so indecisive. She mentioned that she could see the vein prominent around the lump area but the Venus flow doesn’t show on ultrasound (didn’t have a clue what she was on about). I keep thinking that if she had seen anything serious then it would be different 

  • If you are worried I'd go back.  You may see a different consultant who will be more decisive

  • I haven't had your experience but I can see why you are worried. You could ring the consultant's secretary and ask for an appointment or biopsy so that you can be reassured. After all, no one seems to have explained to you what the lumps that you are feeling and the ultrasound has identified are caused by.  They may just be benign cysts or as a friend of mine was told recently she was perimenopausal and lumps and breast pain were part of the deal for this life stage!!!  You could also contact the Macmillan helpline. But whatever you have a right to a proper diagnosis and explanation. Good Luck x

  • Thanks for the reply Rozalia I have a lot of gynae issues and did think it was due to this but to be told just come back in a month (which is never that simple) I’m now more anxious as they never actually said it’s nothing to worry about!! Xx

  • Try not to worry best way to put your mind at ease is contact them to get a biopsy or another ultrasound. Or a second opinion. 

  • Thanks SLou55 yes I think your right a biopsy would put my mind at rest xx