Tamoxifen and period

  • 4 replies
  • 269 subscribers

Hi all

ive been on tamoxifen for nearly a year and have had my period since September.

my period is black throughout is this normal?.

thanking in advance 

Stevie x

  • Hi Stevie, I don’t have an answer to your question but am interested in hearing people’s responses as I am also on Tamoxifen since February this year. I haven’t had a period since then. It just shows you how strong these chemicals are that we are taking! Have you spoken to your breast team about this?

  • Hi there.

    Ive left a message but had no reply yet.

    I didn’t start mine until 4 months after starting tamoxifen.

    If I hear from them I will update you Blush x

  • I have been on Tamoxifen since January, and for the first time in 35 years, my period has decided to become regular, albeit lighter and not as long. 

  • I started tamoxifen at end of January I had 1 period in February after having my coil removed and nothing since. My periods have been very sporadic for well over a year though.