Breast Mri callback

  • 6 replies
  • 270 subscribers

So went for breast Mri yesterday after being diagnosed with TNBC.Just had a callback to attend ultrasound on this Thursday.So I assume they have found something else.I wanted to check with anyone.At mo treatment plan is Chemotherapy, lumpectomy, radiotherapy.I wondered if anything else there would they operate first,IE if I needed a more invasive surgery.

  • It might be to put the marker in for the op ? I had an ultrasound post MRI to do that . Can you ask your breast care nurse ?

  • Hi Klf,I have markers from when I first had the biopsy.The nurse said that the consultant likes to be cautious, that's what makes me think they have seen something xx

  • Surgery is only done first for smaller or lower risk tumours, where chemo isn’t indicated or hasn’t yet been decided. It’s likely the appointment is for markers or possibly additional biopsies. Markers are needed in case chemo completely obliterates the tumour (so they know where it was). All the best. 

  • I too was diagnosed with TNBC and was called back following my first MRI scan for ultrasound. They found a tiny lump they wanted to biopsy and put a marker in. It was so small he struggled to biopsy it. Anyway it was part of the same footprint of the original lump and treatment just continued as first discussed. Good luck x

  • Hi what next,that is really good news.Yes the biopsy is quite close to the original tumour.I don't know how.long it will be for.the results.I assume the chemotherapy will start as arranged,I would imagine it would be the operation that would change if need be xx

  • I have grade 2 invasive lobular carcinoma. I had the mammogram and it showed a 19mm tumour. It was explained to me by my surgeon that this cancer doesn’t always show well on mammogram so I would need an MRI. I too had a call back for ultrasound and to have a tag inserted. Unfortunately for me the MRI showed that the tumour is actually 9cm so I am booked in for a mastectomy next month.