Breast cancer biopsy results

  • 7 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi, after finding a lump in my breast I was seen at the breast clinic where I had mammogram and ultrasound. It was then suggested I have a core biopsy which happened the same day. It's just under a week and I've been called back to see the consultant for the results. Is this normal whether they are good or bad? I presumed if everything was ok I was get a letter or phone call. Knowing I've got to return is worrying me terribly, would they call me back to give me good news?

  • Hi Debflo, yes I think you would always get your biopsy results at an appointment with the consultant or a member of the breast care team  this isn't unusual. It's probably better that you don't have to wait too long for the results as you have less time to worry. Good luck sending hugs xx

  • Thanks for this, it's tomorrow so not long now xx

  • Hi I also had all those tests done at my breast care clinic in Feb, I was then given an appointment  to return the following week to find out my results,  good or bad,  from my consultant. It did seem quick but I was happy not to have to wait too long.

    I'm now 3 weeks post surgery, lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy, and waiting for my results on the 18tt, so another week and a half to go, this wait seems endless!

  • Waiting is the worst. I hope you keep well and treatment is successful. I was treated for kidney cancer 13 years ago - so far so good Fingers crossed

    Thanks for getting back to me Heart️

  • Thanks for the replies. The biopsy came back with no cancerous cells however, it wasn't conclusive. The consultant thinks it may be a papillary lesion and therefore wants to remove it and they will do full pathology. I'm relieved but still want the 100% assurance it's ok so another wait.

  • I'm sorry you are now joining the 'waiting game' it's really difficult but it helps to try to distract yourself if you find you are worrying alot. I honestly find watching a good TV series can help distract me. I hope all goes well xx

    • Thanks, the consultant seems confident all will be ok but with a history of cancer I suppose theyhave to be sure xx