Areola question

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  • 267 subscribers

Okay I know this is going to sound really weird but .... I recently had a lumpectomy and SNB and radiotherapy. 

My treatment all finished about 4 or 5 weeks ago. I had no side effects from radiotherapy at all. 

I've noticed these past few days that the area around my areola seems to have darkened. Not the entire boob, just this bit.

So I showed my husband today in daylight and he says he thinks it's gone a bit darker BUT he also thinks the "good" boobs areola has gotten LIGHTER. 

Looking at it, I totally agree! 

I'm on Letrazole and have been since Jan first with no symptoms or side effects. 

Has anyone else ever experienced this please after surgery and radiotherapy?? 

Thanks everyone Grinning 

  • Hi  , happy to share my nipple experiences post radiotherapy but would also say, if it’s worrying you do contact the breast clinic, I’ve had various issues checked out during my 5 years since ‘active’ treatment finished (am still popping the hormone therapy, Anastrozole in my case). My nipple was painful after surgery, even though the long incision was nowhere near. I’m assuming the pain was from the blue dye injection, which in my case was done once I was under anaesthetic. It got sorer and sorer during radiotherapy and the end eventually went almost black. About 12 weeks after rads had finished, a huge scab fell off the end which was a bit of a shock! I hadn’t realised it was a scab. But it actually felt a bit better after that and gradually got back to its new normal which is inverted. Unlike yours, my areola was then very pale for ages, barely any colour at all. It’s now pretty much the same colour as the other but it’s taken a long time. I haven’t noticed any changes in the non treated breast. I think that radiotherapy can have many effects in the weeks and even years afterwards. 
    You could also post your question on the Ask a Nurse section. But do get it checked, especially if you feel there’s been a change in the other side. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi