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Anyone got a long term success story for brca 2 breast cancer. I am two years from diagnosis which was grade three and stage 3. Have only now found the mutation so I missed out on olaprib. Seeing mixed things about how it affects relapse likelihood. Oncologist wasn’t really sure.  I now have to have dmx and ovaries out- not too fussed about the surgeries though would have rather saved myself the pointless lunpectomy and radiation but I am really worried about relapse of my primary cancer more than ever now.


  • Hello Hel39

    I hope you don't mind me responding as I do not have the Brca2 gene but hopefully by doing so, someone who has will see your post and respond.

    I can understand your worries about a relapse of your primary cancer and I feel it is very natural to feel like this. I think anyone who has had cancer will recognise that fear that it will come back. 

    I wish you well with your upcoming surgery and perhaps consider giving the Support Line a call and talking through your worries with one of the nurses. They are lovely on there and would be able to talk you through the olaprib/BRCA2 and any worries about the surgery.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm