Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ

  • 7 replies
  • 252 subscribers

Awaiting lumpectomy after 2 biopsies showing 13 mm plcis close to chest wall. Anyone else had this diagnosed as I can't find much info in previous diagnosis discussions.


  • Hi Cazzy 67 I had a 8inch tumour with ulcerated nipple carcinoma in 2022 and it had reached my chest wall and I'm told very aggressive. I had a short course of very hard chemo followed by mastectomy and radiotherapy. It was present in 15 of 19 lymph nodes too. I'm now on preventative chemo and zoleronic acid to protect my bones. I know it's  hard and it's definitely  tough but you will get through and it definitely  gets easier. Ask questions all the time I did. I have 4 chemo left but I seem to be ok with it I just see it as the last lap now. All the best to you my friend sending you lots of hugs Mandy xxx

  • Hi Mandy, thank you for replying. I think it'sPensive all the waiting and uncertainty that's the worst. No mention of anything in my lymph nodes so that seems good. Mine sound small compared to yours so hopefully when it is removed it will still be small. I have to wait two months for lumpectomy. I will keep you  in my prayers for your treatment to be finally finished. 

    Thanks again Carole X X 

  • Hiya yes I didn't realise mine was that big until after my op but he said he was hopeful  that he got it and there was a clear margin. The worse thing is the waiting I agree at least when you know the plan of action you deal with it. I must say I read some horror stories and none of my journey has been like that. The doctors nurses etc I've met have all been amazing people. I've met many people through cancer some old some young but all on the same journey. I hope all goes well for you please let me know how you get on but I know you will be fine. Take care Mandyxxx

  • Thank you Mandy, that does give me reassurance. If you don't mind me asking did they give you a sizing before the lumpectomy? Also was it PLCIS? Or another type. 

    Thanks again Carole X x 

  • Hi ,

    I had PLCIS and he said it was 5 cm and not in lymph node on ultrasound scan

    i Had to have mastectomy and was told when it was removed its size was12.5 cm and in one lymph node .

    waiting 4 weeks for this information was torture but surgery was relatively easy and surgeon brilliant !

    baby steps , 


    next step radio therapy and Letrozole .

    take care,


  • Hi Jo, thank you for replying. I have had my lumpectomy and get my results on Tuesday. Fingers crossed they got it all out first time as there seems to be lots of people who have more surgery. 

    Good luck with radiotherapy, they did discuss possibility of this but no mention of Letrozole. So much to take in and my mind is working overtime. Bring on Tuesday!!! 

    Take care Kissing heart


  • Stay strong Carole Thumbsupthe waiting game is just excruciating at times ,

    think I’m sort of resigning myself to have no control in some things in life .

    positive thoughts ,

    take care,


    Can’t stop stressing about the radiotherapy destroying my new boob See no evil