Positive Sentinel Lymph Node

  • 36 replies
  • 275 subscribers

Hi all,

I was diagnosed with Invasive invasive ductal carcinoma, I  have had a lumpectomy & sentinel lymph node biopsy and just had the results back today from the pathology report.

The good news is the tumor has gone, it was 22mm in total and the margins were clear. It was confirmed to be Grade 1, ER and PR positive, HER2 negative. 

The bad news is that the lymph node was positive. I didn't actually expect this at all, so it has come as a huge shock to me.

The rest of the treatment plan is to follow - 100% radiotherapy in breast, axillary and collarbone and chemo is TBC at the moment still. 

Looking to hear from people with lymph node involvement - wondering what your treatment was and just to also hear as many positive stories as possible.

Thank You. 

  • Hello, your results sound good compared to my own and others I’ve heard of, so well done.  With regard to sentinel node positive, did they only take the one node?  I ask because I had the sentinel plus two more taken.  Two were affected so I had to an axillary level one removed and fortunately no more were infected.  One of my infected nodes was the mammary node so my radiotherapy included the mammary chain and supravecular (above the collar bone).  I didn’t have chemo because my oncotype X result was 17 which was deemed as no need for chemo.  I’m on Letrozole for ten years, Amebaciclib for 2 years and Zometa infusions every six months for three years.   Everyone’s plan is different and tailored to their path results.  Mine was lobular breast cancer tumour size 58mm plus three small tumours.  Grade 2 but stage 3. 

    im pleased fot you that your results were favourable and wish you good luck with your forthcoming treatment.  X

  • I had the same size IDC tumour but I was grade 3 and triple positive. Node involvement was detected at first ultrasound so had a biopsy on that at the same time.  My surgery after chemo was lumpectomy and axillary clearance.  Pathology results showed 1 of 18 nodes were positive and a 13mm residue of cancer cells, margins were clear. I had 5 sessions of radiotherapy and a further 14 rounds of Kadcyla.  Finished chemo on 1 December last year. Have 10 years on Anastrozole and another year of zoledronic acid infusions.  Carrying on life as usual with annual mammogram for 5 years.  Had first one in January, all clear.  Your results sound really positive, good luck with your journey, you can do this. X

  • Dear Twinkle25,

    I am sorry to hear that the lymph node was positive. When will you know more about your treatment plan? I hope you know more soon as the waiting is agonising.

    I am in a similar situation to you - in so much as the same type of breast cancer, size and make up. I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal 3 days ago and am awaiting my results and next steps.

    I am Lino to need radiotherapy either way they said but also need to wait for histology results. 

    Best wishes

  • Hello 

    thank you for your reply. How was your lumpectomy? How have you found the recovery?

    I am meeting with an oncologist on the 18th of March, he will tell me my next treatment. I do know that the lymph node involvement means that I will have radiotherapy all over my auxiliary, collarbone and the breast that the lump was in, to ensure any stray cells are killed! I will also have hormone blocker tablets going forward. Chemo is tbc, I find out at this meeting.. I don’t think I will necessarily have it however I am starting to try and get my head around the fact that I might 

    I agree the waiting is awful, it’s like being on a constant rollercoaster.. my nurse told me this is usually a 6-12 month journey. It’s very hard.

    how are you finding thing? 

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply - how have you found it all?

    Thanks for letting me know about the chemo side of tings. I actually presumed at first that the lymph node makes chemo much more likely, but I don’t think that is necessarily the case - like with your story.

    im not having any more nodes removed, I’m having radiotherapy all over as an attack on the area. That must have been quite reassuring for you that only two of yours were found to be positive though! 

  • Thank you very much and congratulations on your clear mammogram! 

    that’s great that only your 1 node was positive - I’m hoping it was just the one for me but only one was taken out - they thought it was two at the time but it turned out to be just one! 

    How did you find chemo? Do you know what made them decide it for you? X

  • I think chemo was always on the cards for me as I was positive for oestrogen progesterone and Her2 also stage 3 grade 3.  The reason I had chemo first was because of the size anything 2 cm or smaller is surgery first, my tumour measured 2.2cm so was a bit borderline.  The size of the residue taken during lumpectomy was 1.3cm but chemo had fractured the tumour like a pepper pot.  I was shocked to be told I needed further chemo, my face must have been a picture.  However, my lovely breast surgeon then told me it was good news and that I was cancer free.  The chemo was not nearly as bad as I feared, I had 6 rounds of Docetaxil, Carboplatin and Phesgo injections.  Felt on top of the world the day after treatment, then slowly felt a bit worse each day much like flu symptoms. My treatment was on a Friday and I would usually spend the following Wednesday and Thursday in bed.  Started to improve after this was fine by week 2 and 3.  The year’s worth of chemo after surgery was a walk in the park, carried on as normal with very few side effects.  Having said all of this everyone is different, and I have friends who have continued to work throughout treatment. I am retired so didn’t apply to me.  The nurses that cared for me throughout chemo were amazing and so supportive it was not the scary place I had imagined.  Sorry for the rambling reply can’t stop once I get started. X

  • Hi, the lumpectomy went ok and the recovery - so far - seems ok. I have come off codeine now and just taking paracetamol. I am not in pain just a bit if discomfort and I am doing my exercises (don’t want to cease up!)

    I am a week behind you in terms of steps - my results come on the 27th of March. 

    Have you started started the hormone blocker yet? Things I have read say that if you don’t get in with it, ask for the same pill in a different brand as for some reason that can help. I don’t know how old you are - I am 47 - and so I have had to come off of HRT and had to have the coil removed. I am not looking forward to taking Tamoxifen because of the potential side effects but what can you do?

    Wishing you the all the best with your results,


  • That’s really good! I was so shocked at how low key the lumpectomy recovery was for me - they are amazing at what they do aren’t they. 

    yes, so we are in this together! I can keep you updated as I go if you like! I did get my results last week, just to prepare you - I was hanging on to that appointment to learn my next treatment start date etc but I didn’t get it, it’s this I find out on the 18th - basically what I am saying is that it might just be a bit of a longer wait to know your next moves, however the results itself are relief as at least you are now passed that milestone - it’s all milestones I am finding 

    no i haven’t started it yet, I’ve just had the word tamoxifen suggested to me currently. I am 41 years old, pre-menopausal. I have heard the same as you re different brands. It worries me having to take medication for a long time but I am planning on being very vocal with them about side effects and suffering as least as possible going forward 

    I also have a little toddler to think of - so got to do all I can to make her life as good as possible x 

  • When I say they by the way, I am talking about my team at the hospital - who by the way I feel so so fortunate for, aren’t we so lucky that 1. We have the NHS and 2. We have so many treatments available to us in this day and age - I count my lucky stars