Switching from tamoxifen to letrozole

  • 4 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has been switched from tamoxifen to letrozole due to being post-menopausal.  Just wondering what the procedure is.  My GP said they will take me off tamoxifen for a while and then do a blood test and a scan before I start the new drug.  Very nervous about being taken off hormone therapy for however long, so if anyone has any experience of what the protocol is I'd be interested to hear! Thanks everyone x

  • I changed from Letrozole to Tamoxifen and I'm 67 so very postmenopausal. I didn't have a break just switched straight from one to the other. Letrozole didn't suit me, my knee became very painful and I have osteoporosis. Hope you get on better than I did with it. 

  • Hi Sabrina22

    Thanks so much for replying.  Interesting to hear it was just a straight swap over.  Maybe the break is to prove I'm post-menopausal with the bloods before they switch.  I'm not looking forward to it, I suppose I'll have to tick their boxes and if I have osteoporosis like you maybe they won't change it.  I've heard the aches can be very difficult to live with.  Thanks for taking the time to reply x

  • We are having a trip to Italy soon. I asked about flying and DVTs. The Oncologist said I need to stop Tamoxifen for 5 days before and a week after. He only told me because I asked. He said, when I comented, it is in the leaflet that they gave when I first got diagnosed. We have to be quite switched on I think to get it right. PrayGreen heart

  • Well I thought that was only for long haul flights, so thanks for making me aware of that.  Hoping to have a trip this year.  Have a wonderful time in Italy.  You are absolutely right, worth asking and questioning what we aren't sure of x