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Can anyone tell me if chemo is definitely needed for triple negative breast cancer please?  I had small 11mm tumour removed and lymph nodes clear so basically I am cancer free just now. I have read it’s a must for this type of cancer. When u saw my oncologist he gave me the choice if I wanted it. He didn’t make it sound very urgent. He did say we would nudge you in that direction but I’m quite confused now. I am due to start treatment in just under two weeks so he said I could have a think about it but would book me in just now. It seems to me there is no urgency and I could just now go back to normal and not get all these side effects and lose my hair. Is there anyone can help me out please with this decision. 

  • Hi Cranky,

    I do not have this type of breast cancer but there is a TNBC thread which you may find more information on. Chemo in the adjuvant setting is a belts and braces treatment to reduce our risk of recurrence. It isn’t a treatment any of us want but if it reduces our risk of recurrence it is a choice many of us have taken. All our breast cancers are unique, as are our recurrence risks. Oncologist, who have the education and experience in this field, advise us on the treatments that will be appropriate in each of our individual circumstances. I wish you well in whatever treatment path you choose.

  • Hi Cranky

    i have TNBC and a small tumour 13mm.  Like you a lumpectomy was successful with clear margins and no lymph node affected so that was good. But I am currently having chemotherapy as my oncologist used the PREDICT online tool to show my husband and I how my 10 year prospects would be improved by having chemo and zoledronic acid bone infusions. 
    My oncologist said it was our choice but would recommend to reduce the risk of recurrence. I am 67 so your situation is probably different but the PREDICT tool really helped us make our decision. 
    chemotherapy is tough and not to be undertaken lightly especially when you are ‘cancer free’ and the tumour was small. Everyone is so different so I hope you find the best option for your situation. 
    Good luck Fingers crossed xx

  • Than you Shade. I didn’t realise there was a forum for tbnc. I will have a look here 

  • Thank you Kaza. We are very similar then. I’m 56. Predict tool was also shown to me. It was 10 year survival rate if I did and didn’t take chemo. I know it’s a choice but kind of expected the doc to try to sell it a bit lol. He just didn’t 

  • I know it’s all about patient choice but it’s such new territory for us we could do with some expert advice. 

    When we said yes my oncologist said - good choice. Also depends how well you’ll tolerate it if you have any other medical issues. 
    To be honest I was so surprised to have TNBC as was my breast surgeon but very lucky it was spotted so early on a routine mammogram 
    There will be some more info on Triple Negative Forum. 
    Hope you make a decision you’re happy with Hugging 

  • To be honest after everything I’ve read and been told about TNBC I would be too scared not to take it. I hope your treatment is not too harsh and you don’t have any bumps in the road x

  • I’ve got TNBC my tumour was at first thought to be 50mm but after an MRI was confirmed to be 33mm. It was fast growing so I’ve had chemotherapy first, I’m 5 into 16 sessions. I will have surgery and radiotherapy at the end. 

  • That’s totally understandable as they aim to shrink the tumour to allow for lumpectomy as opposed to smx. Good luck and I hope all goes smoothly x

  • I had a 16mm grade 3 TNBC lump, no lymph nodes involved, but it did have vascular invasion at the tumour site. I was not at all keen on the idea of chemo but did accept on the basis I wasn’t sure I’d be able to live with having said no if it did recur. Whilst half way through chemo, I had a scan for other reasons, which found a secondary deposit on my liver. 

    TNBC isn’t a single disease, there are a number of different sub-categories. Not all behave the same, or have the same options. It’s worth finding out more about what you have got (mine is PD-L1 positive). Also clarify whether there was any vascular invasion, it’s in my view not given enough prominence as a risk factor for spread. 

  • That must have been a total shock and hard to hear. So was it because the vascular invasion it had managed to spread to liver? You would think with no lymph node involvement it wouldn’t be able to spread. I guess that is the best reason to take chemo then as there is still a chance it could spread even when lymph nodes clear x