One year on

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  • 268 subscribers

Hi everyone.

i was diagnosed with bilateral lobular breast cancer 28/022023.

To say it was a shock is an understatement.

just to let you all know how I am one year on. I had surgery on both breasts 3/4/2023. I was absolutely terrified.

i was only in for day surgery. I had mammaplasty on both breasts because I had enough tissue to do this. I was offered bi lateral mastectomy but this was too frightening for me to consider if there was an alternative.

in we were hoping that I would get away with surgery and radiation but the cancer had spread to 2 lymph nodes. I had samples sent to America and the score came back that I would benifit from chemotherapy. I was gutted. I had six sessions of chemotherapy one every three weeks, the first 3 were ok the last 3 very hard, I got sepsis and spent some time in hospital.

i cold capped for all of my sessions but I did lose about 80% of my hair. I lost it all on my scalp but retained a ring of hair around my hairline. The style similar to a monk!!!
I mainly used bandannas and scarfs as they were easy to wear. I got a lovely wig from Amazon which I wore for special occasions.

i have had to have several teeth removed because I will not be able to have major dental surgery due to ongoing treatments.

i am going to be on letrazole for the next 10 years. So far so good but I am suffering from aching joints and stiffness. I will also going on biphosphonates for my bones but this hasn’t started yet.

i was partnered up with “someone like you” through Brest Cancer Now, which was really helpful.

The radiology was in November for 6 sessions, this was ok. No where near a frightening as chemotherapy.

So I asked my surgeon at the end of treatment if I was cancer clear and she said that we had done everything that we could so I was.

i will have yearly mammograms for the next 5years. Fingers crossed.

my hair has started to grow back. It is pure silver and short but in need of a cut, I am so grateful to have hair again!
During my treatment I separated from my husband because he wasn’t being very supportive and I didn’t want to spend my last few years in that relationship.

we are slowly building out relationship back but I am not standing for the shit I used to put up with as I realised that I wanted to enjoy the rest of my life.

i hope this story will give hope to anyone recently diagnosed that there is light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

I realise that I may be back in this forum as I have already had three separate cancers but at the moment life is good.