Cancer spread so now have to go on Herceptin & Chemo

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Exactly 2 years since diagnosed with ER+ and HER2+, and  radiotherapy finished after lumpectomy for early stage cancer, no lymph nodes involved.

No-one ever mentioned this could spread, I was under the stupid impression that as long as no lymph nodes involved, no chance of spread.

Became ill in dec 23 with breathlessness which was suspected as chest infection. 2 weeks later with no improvement was sent for chest xray. Fluid found on my lung. Just over 1.3ltr was drained and sent fir tests, I still have 1ltr left. Came back with cancer cells which when tested showed same as original breast cancer.  I had yearly mammogram day after xray, came back clear. This is spreading of original cancer I'm told

1 week later started with what looked like heat spots on same breast. These have grown in size and colour and we're diagnosed as cancerous nodules. I have about 12, they are painful, burning and itching. Biopsy taken last week.

Was at oncology yesterday, wasn't hopefully about treatment with these two spreads. Obviosly cant be cured however consultant believes is fully treatable,  which is great news. My main worry is the chemo and Herceptin treatment and their side effects as I live alone after the sudden death of both my husband and youngest son within four months of my last treatment ending.

Any input or tips from anyone who's gone through these treatments would be much appreciated.

  • Hi Callygran

    so sorry to hear you’re cancer has returned (& also very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband & son awful x)

    im HER2+ so have had chemo & herceptin & my op (mastectomy & reconstruction)… finished chemo but herceptin will carry on until September..  Try not to worry too much …chemo isn’t nice but it’s do-able.. everyone is different & there are so many types… do you know which drugs you’ll be having yet?


  • Hi Callygran, sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was triple positive and had chemo with Phesgo combination of pertuzumab and trastuzumab. I did have a reaction to my first Phesgo but was treated with piriton and hydrocortisone at the hospital and then continued to have those pre meds for the other 17 sessions. All was fine and I didn’t have any problems then on Phesgo. The chemo I was tired and felt out of sorts but once I got through the first few days after chemo I began to feel like my normal self. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks for replying it's helpful to see how other people hVe coped.  I'm having Pertuzumab, doceteaxel and trastuzumab (herceptin). 6 x e weekly cycles wirh Herceptin for 1 year.

  • Thanks for that cuffcake2000, reassuring to hear how others managed. Hopefully not be as bad as I'm thinking. Xxxx

  • Am sorry to hear your journey has not yet ended and I have nothing to contribute but wanted to send you a huge hug. Take care xx

  • Hi  , sorry to hear about your cancer recurrence and the losses of your husband and son. Life deals some pretty sh**** hands sometimes. I wanted to pop in as although I had a different type of breast cancer, a dear friend had HER2 positive breast cancer (with lymph node involvement) and had Herceptin, chemo and radiotherapy many years ago. She worked throughout her Herceptin and chemo treatments but found the radiotherapy harder so took time off for that. She’s doing well now. Sorry you’re facing all of this particularly after the grief of the last couple of years. Wishing you well and sending love plus a big virtual hug your way, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi