DCIS and postmenopausal bleeding

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Hi - I was diagnosed last week with DCIS in two areas In my left breast.  Had third biopsy in between to check whether there is anything else suspicious.  This will help decide whether I have a lumpectomy or mastectomy.  I was also oestrogen positive so advised to stop the oestrogen part of my HRT straightaway and that I would be on hormone therapy after my op.

A few months back I was on the womb cancer site - getting advice on how to make my GP take my postmenopausal bleeding and ultrasound scan showing thickened endometrium seriously and refer me on a two week pathway.  The advice worked and I had a hysteroscopy.  Negative but advised to alter HRT (more progesterone) to stop the bleeding and reduce the thickness.  Have had two increases on GPs advice but have now been bleeding (mostly just spotting or watery blood) every day for over two months.  And stopping the oestrogen has only increased the bleeding over the last few days. 

So given that hormone therapy can increase chances of womb cancer anyway, I am wondering if there is anyone on here who was already having issues similar tome when put on hormone therapy?  Will I end up with a hysterectomy as well as breast surgery?  Of course I will speak to my GP but she was already mystified by my continuing bleeding after upping my progesterone.  The next step was to refer my back to gyny for further scans if it didn't resolve and I am whether I need her to do that or whether oncology will look holistically at both breast and womb.

Apols for the long msg - bit complicated to explain!

  • Would still love to hear from anyone with similar experience.  Update is that my GP has advised me to stop my progesterone as well as my oestrogen.  And made a referral on a two week wait for an transvaginal ultrasound to see how my womb lining is looking.  Yet another appointment but feels reassuring to have that info before going into hormone therapy.

  • Hi  , sorry I haven’t had quite your experience but replying will keep your post near the top and hopefully someone with relevant experience will pop in. Wanted to add my support and my slightly similar experience. Prior to getting breast cancer at 59, I had a history of growing unwanted lumps and bumps in breasts and womb. I had several uterine polyps removed, pre menopause. Thankfully they were all benign, but worrying each time in case they weren’t, or in case my bleeding in between periods had a more sinister cause. I also had a breast fibroadenoma removed, which apparently looked ‘very suspicious’ on ultrasound but thankfully turned out to be benign once removed. Nowadays I think the machines are more accurate and these are diagnosed without having to have a lumpectomy. I have also had breast cysts. Re hormone therapy and womb cancer, I think (but I’m not a medic) that this only applies to tamoxifen? I’m on Anastrozole, which is an aromatase inhibitor and works differently to tamoxifen. I’ve not read that it can increase risk of womb cancer. It’s mainly used I think for post menopausal folk like me, but I think it can be used alongside treatments to shut down the ovaries, in pre menopausal people. I’m not sure which group you’re in but I would have thought that your oncologist will take into account your medical history when discussing which hormone therapy you should have. 
    Glad they are being thorough and referring you for the ultrasound to check the womb lining. I had one a couple of years ago when I had some spotting (and lots during my polyps production phase!) It was considered unusual as I’m well post menopausal and any spotting from hormone therapy usually occurs early on, while I’d been on it for 2 years by then. I got the ultrasound appointment within days so don’t be alarmed if it happens quickly! I think they try to fill all slots these days so I guess they had a cancellation. Nothing was evident on the ultrasound so it remains a mystery and thankfully hasn’t happened again. They’re not the nicest of procedures but definitely good to be checked out. Sorry for the long ramble! Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I’ve just seen the title of your post…. Clearly you are post menopausal. Sorry I’m quite dim witted these days!! So I’d say likely that your hormone therapy could be Anastrozole like me, or letrozole which is similar. Xx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thanks so much for replying to me Happyfeet1.   Good to hear that it is unlikely I will be on tamoxifen.  Had my ultrasound and as my endometrium is still thicker than it should be  I've been referred back to gyny on a to two week pathway.  Am not overly concerned - just pleased it's being checked out. Am learning to expect the unexpected on this cancer journey.  Since mh first post the third biopsy found more DCIS - this time high grade snd covering an area of 8cm.  So it will be a mastectomy and have just been left to think about reconstruction options.