Awaiting surgery and terrified

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  • 269 subscribers

hi there 

I am new to this forum . I have an invasive Ductal carcinoma in right breast stage 2 . I have  2 areas to be removed . Diagnosed in jan after a routine mammogram in October. Plan is surgery in both breasts . To remove the cancer and then a breast reduction on left so that it is the same size as the right . I was given the option of a mastectomy or surgery to conserve the breast tissue and opted for the latter. After surgery the plan is for radiotherapy and tamoxifen . Lymph nodes look healthy but still to be tested . I am however really worried about surgery and coping with having both breasts done . I don’t feel brave or strong. I constantly feel weepy or extremely irritable. I have also come off all my HRT as cancer oestrogen and progesterone positive . I would be interested hear how others coped with the surgery and what did they tell themselves to get through it . Thank you so much . 

  • Hi Bella it sounds like you have the same diagnosis and treatment plan as me. I was diagnosed in January following mammogram in December. I had lumpectomy and reduction surgery to the other breast for symmetry and some lymph nodes removed for biopsy. I had that done just under 3 weeks ago. The operation was fine, felt very groggy and tired when I woke up. They gave me liquid morphine to take home for pain relief but I only took a couple of doses then moved onto cocodamol which I'd made sure I gad some in before the surgery and then after a few days paracetamol. My husband took 3 days off work to be there for me and then he had the weekend so had him on hand for 5 days but probably didn't really need that long. Im now waiting for the radiotherapy department to contact me. Just take it easy and don't try to lift anything too heavy. Go for short walks to start with  to get some fresh air and do the excercise they give you to do. It's really scary getting this diagnosis but just try to distract yourself if you find you are very anxious or try to speak to your breastcare nurse or a macmillan person. Sending hugs xx

  • Thank you for your reply . It’s reassuring to hear that you have had a similar op and how you have managed it . I think it’s the uncertainty and fear of the unknown . Sounds like you didn’t have too long to wait for surgery . I had my pre op on Friday . When I met with the dr however a few weeks ago she said it could be March/April time before I have the operation. I think not having a date is difficult.. I hope your radiotherapy treatment goes well . Do you know how many you have ? 

  • Just to add I also came off HRT when diagnosed so I'm getting hot flushes but I'll just see how that goes before potentially looking for a solution. I don't really want to start taking more medication than necessary at the minute but I know everyone is different xx

  • Thanks hope you get a date soon. They are saying 5 over 1 week but will see what the radiotherapy team say x

  • Bless you, the waiting it the worst part. I had surgery on Valentine’s Day (very romantic). The closer it got the more nervous I became. Once I arrived at the hospital it was very busy with all the different clinicians running through pre op care. The nurse, physio, surgeon etc etc. everyone was super reassuring and once in theatre it was over in minutes due to the magic of the general anaesthetic. I was back in my room being cared for and the next day I even had a short stroll with my mum and did a bit of retail therapy in a little outdoor shopping complex! 
    Just plan lots of rest and listen to your body at all times!!!! 
    good luck - you’ve got this! Xx

  • Hi Bella, I had a similar diagnosis and also came off my HRT straight away. I was so scared of surgery as I'd never had a general anesthetic or an operation before. I had breast-conserving surgery and a sentinel node biopsy on my left side. I coped with the nerves by reminding myself that after the surgery it would be out of my body and that this was the first big step to getting better. I did a lot of breathing exercises and meditation to manage anxiety. I also did some practical stuff to make life as easy as possible after the operation, like filling the freezer with my favourite meals and I bought comfy loungewear and cardigans to make it easy to dress and some stretchy crop tops which worked brilliantly. 

    The operation went well and while I was tired and in pain for a week or two, it wasn't too awful and I managed with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Every day you'll feel a bit better and I agree with previous posters about getting fresh air, taking short walks and listening to your body. Also, make sure you do the exercises they give you, I was a bit scared of moving my arm and then it took longer to get full movement back. 

    The waiting is really hard to cope with so I hope you get a date soon but in the meantime, just try to prepare by looking after yourself and doing things that make you happy. It's so scary, but honestly you will get through this x

  • Hi Bella , I had very similar diagnoses to yourself . Invasive ductal carcinoma , grade 2 , one area was 11mm and another area of 2mm , all picked up on a routine mammogram. I waited 8 weeks between tests, biopsy’s etc before surgery in the 6th February . The waiting was difficult but the surgery was fine . All done in one day . Recovery was better than I thought but it is best to take it easy for a few days . I had my post op meeting last week and good news as nothing in my lymph nodes and clear margins . Now waiting for radiotherapy which will probably over a 5 day period.

    Just take it one day at a time and listen to your body . Use your breast care nurses, they are worth their weight in gold . Post on here if you need support , there will always be someone who responds . Sending you lots of warm hugs .

  • Thank you . Wishing all the best in your ongoing recovery . Will be a relief when all the treatment is past  and then get a chance to process everything. Good luck Blush

  • Thank you hopefuls . This is reassuring to hear . Wishing you well in your recovery Blush

  • Thank you Maddy246 . Been walking everyday and doing a bit of meditation. Found ones on an app specifically for breast cancer . Preparing food in advance is a useful tip . Wishing you well in your rBlushovery Blush