Breast cancer in the other breast, after having masectomy

  • 8 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Had a mastectomy last year in one breast. Been called back after having an MRI on my other breast. I suspected I had cancer in this breast last year after being told something looked suspicious on the MRi. After having an ultrasound I was told it looks all looks ok. I was asked if I wanted a biopsy but as I had been told I was having a double mastectomy I didn’t think there was a need. The following day got told the plan had changed and plans had changed it was going to be a single mastectomy. Roll on December and went back with concerns on the remaining breast. After seeing the consultant she told me she would organise a MRI to give me peace of mind. Roll on last Monday, 2 weeks after my MRI I had a call saying they wanted to see me on Tuesday. I arranged for this Tuesday, when I tried to delay it until March I was told no, as it can’t wait that long. Just wonder if there is cancer in the remaining breast would this be secondary or not?

  • Hi there, sorry to hear you're going through this round of tests and uncertainty. I hope you get some clarity on Tuesday at your appointment. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you Irishgirl 16, it is much appreciated.

  • Hi  , sorry you’re in that horrible limbo position of waiting for results. I wonder if it’s worth posting your question in the Ask a Nurse section? From my own experience of discovering that I carry a pathogenic version of a gene which increases my risk of breast cancer (moderate risk rather than high; not BRCA but a less well known gene called ATM), I have been told that I have a higher risk of developing a contralateral breast cancer, meaning in the other breast. It’s not a high enough risk though to warrant surgery. From that I’m guessing (but I’m not a medic) that this would not be regarded as secondary cancer. But obviously I can’t say how or if this relates at all to your situation. Will be thinking about you on Tuesday, sending love and a big virtual hug, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi Happyfeet1, thank you for your message. 
    I am definitely glad my appointment is tomorrow. I applied for the gene testing and had a phone call with a query but still waiting for the results. I think I will try and call them tomorrow on the way to the hospital. I struggle to make calls as always in work. Will def get on to it tomorrow. My brother in law was saying to me I am sure it will be fine maybe they just want to let you know your MRI was clear, but as I told him the appointments with the consultants are in demand and there would not of asked me to come in the following day if it was just routine. 

    Not long to wait now. 

    Will let you know how I get on.

  • Hi MysteryGirl, I don’t have an answer to your question but just wanted to send thoughts and prayers to you for tomorrow’s appointment. 

  • Hi Happyfeet1, I had my appointment today and as suspected I had to have my other breast removed. Getting it removed in April, but not sure on the rest yet until they take it out and then look at it.

    Chased my gene test today and they are calling me back tomorrow. xx

  • Hi  , sorry you are facing another mastectomy, but I’m glad that at least you now know that’s happening and will get more definite answers once the op is done and the pathology results are back. You must feel so frustrated after expecting the second mastectomy last year. Well done for chasing up the gene test, it’s exhausting though to have to chase everything. Hope they call back promptly tomorrow. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi HappyFeet1, I haven’t really cried at all. I just throw myself into work.  I have a holiday planned for the 23rd March for a week so it will be lovely to get away. Then come back all chilled and ready for the op. 

    Will be good to get the test back. 

    Many thanks for understanding. 
