Paclitaxel pins and needles

  • 6 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hi there

After 4 sessions of EC chemo, I started my 5th of Paclitaxel on Monday. Everything was going fine till 3rd day. Enjoyed not feeling sick as I did on EC drug. However day 3 hit and started getting abdominal period type pain then legs and joint ache. I've had 2 days of constant throbbing and restlessness, not much sleep. Been taking painkillers but not doing much. Hot water bottles, bit of yoga has helped but basically constant annoying pain. Does anyone have any great tips on overcoming this?  The long nights awake feel a bit torturous!!!!

Many thanks everyone

  • I had the same, I'm afraid I don't have a magic cure for you.  I alternated ibuprofen & paracetomol during those days.

    The only thing I can offer you is that it doesn't last too long.  If you've had it 2 days already, it's probably nearly over.

  • Ah thank you so much, this has given me tons of hope! 

  • For me it only lasted 2-3 days.  I managed to get better sleep on the third night.   

    Like everything else, you just have to push through until it passes.

    (I also did 4 x EC before switching).

  • Im currently taking Taxol myself. This sounds crazy but it works! Claritin allergy meds over the counter. Take it everyday, my doc is the Oncologist and Director of top  Cancer Ins in the US. She also told me to consider ice pack socks and mittens to help prevent neuropathy (tingle of the hands and feet) and to keep your nails from turning black/falling off. Hope this helps.

  • Great will try anything at this stage, thanks so much 

  • Ido endorse advice of Tripositive, I am 3+years on from chemo and still have problems with the soles of my feet and awful toenails one of which was removed a few months back. My hands are fine so maybe black nail varnish will suffice on hands.x