
  • 3 replies
  • 268 subscribers

Hello all,

Hope you are doing OK. I have just had my last round of EC, and will be starting 12 weekly doses of paclitaxel in 3 weeks time. I have emetophobia so the fact there's no antisickness premeds for this one is making me anxious.

Just looking for people's experience on the weekly paclitaxel. I know all treatments affect people differently but it would be great to have an overview. 


  • Hi  , congratulations on finishing EC.  I was given lots of additional anti-sickness meds while on EC because the first infusion made me throw up a lot.  So I was very worried when they didn’t prescribe the same pills for paclitaxel - my medical team said it wasn’t necessary.  But as it turned out I was not nauseous at all after paclitaxel - I couldn’t quite believe waking up the morning after each infusion and feeling totally normal!   Best of luck that you’re the same xx

  • Hi Pancakes,

    I’ve done 3/12 paclitaxel and get antiemetics 30 mins before every infusion as standard.  Has your oncologist ruled them out completely?

    I am tolerating paxlitaxel well, though developed a rash at week 2 along with sore skin on my face, apparently it’s renowned for causing skin problems and I already had rosacea and exzema. I have an antihistamine to use when the rash flares up. I moisturise +++ and it keeps problems at bay. Nausea, stomach upset and sore mouth are all present but mild.  My veins are sore this week. It’s good to know I have the option of a picc line if I tire of the repeated unsuccessful attempts at cannulation. 

    I sleep for 3 hours after treatment. Then feel reasonably well for three days. Fatigue sets in day 4, 5 and 6 but I manage this by exercising (CrossFit) which energises me and lifts my mood. 

    I have days when I hate the treatment and everything feels awful. I have days when I cry. I have had one day in 3 weeks when I didn’t want to get out of bed, I’m sure I’ll have more.  However, overall I feel lucky as I know my side effects could be much worse.

    Hope it goes well for you. Keep us posted? 

  • I just finished my 4 round of taxol yesterday and I'm given benadryl, pepcid, steroids and antinausea meds in my port/iv before every treatment. Also, I was given 2 rx's for zofran and another compazine to take as needed at home. I take the zofran at home. The other medicine I'm not that familiar with. Hope that helps.