Post mastectomy radiotherapy

  • 3 replies
  • 269 subscribers

I have stage 2 breast cancer in my left breast. I have had a left breast mastectomy, axillary clearance and 6 months of chemotherapy. 
I am HER- and ER and PR positive. I’m currently on letrozole tablets and injections, I was told the protocol for radiotherapy in my hospital was 3+ lymph nodes cancerous, and a tumour more than 5 cm. 
I only had 2 lymph nodes cancerous (including my sentinel node). I didn’t have any tumour larger than 3 cm. I’m still termed as pre menopausal and age 50.  Do I still need radiotherapy? I’m worried about the damage to my breast implant. 

  • Hi, I think what I've learnt going through this and talking to others is that our treatment plans are all very individual. It would be worth having an appointment with your consultant to discuss the pros and cons of radiotherapy and if it is recommended, then ask the radiotherapy team about the implant.

    You can also gives the lovely folks here at Macmillan a call to chat things through. The number is 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • My situation is very similar to yours. Mastectomy with implant 1cm primary but with four small lesions nearby and 2 of 3 nodes positive. I am having chemo and radiotherapy- the type I have can have a greater chance to spread I believe so I opted for the whole lot! I was worried about changes to implant with radiotherapy- my BCN said in 4 years of experience she has only ever seen slight contour changes. My radiotherapy won’t be till late summer- I’d love to hear how you get on. Good luck with everything xx

  • Sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time. 

    I had 15 radiotherapy sessions after a mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction. I was warned there was a chance of a problem, but I just had some slight contracture afterwards, which isn't uncommon 

    Hope you can clarify your next steps with your oncologist 

    Best wishes x