Letrozole and Abemaciclib tablets side effects

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  • 269 subscribers

Morning All, I'm just about to start letrozole and abemaciclib tablets (150g). I have previously had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy so the tablets are hopefully to stop anything coming back. I'm really anxious about the side effects of this next stage as I had bad vomiting and diarrhoea during chemo. I need to be able to work and deal with kids! I know everyone reacts differently but I just wondered how bad it is for most people. Is it a case of taking an Imodium? Does it get better as your body gets used to it? thanks

  • Hi, Happyduck,

    Im in the last week of my fourth cycle of Abemaciclib and I’m getting on with both medications including letrozole ok. They are side effects but the gut problems with the Abemaciclib have improved. For me the first cycle was the worst and so far this cycle I’ve had no diarrhoea (it is completed on Friday). I’m not saying my gut is the same as pre Abemaciclib but it’s all manageable and the loperamide worked very well in my case. I do have a few more aches and pains with the letrozole but for me being physically active does help and I feel keeping your vitaminD and calcium levels up is also important. I am tired by the end of the day and I’m asleep by 10pm. I’ve stopped alcohol since I was diagnosed but otherwise for me I’m living life as before, just walking and cycling as much as I can. My hair is growing and looks “normal” although I feel it is a little thinner as are my eyebrows, my skin is dryer so I moisturise it daily, face 2x a day. My iron levels have reduced and my neutrophils and white blood cells are lower than normal levels but health professionals aren’t concerned and as long as I feel ok I think that’s their concern and not mine so I’m still on 150mgs but I have no doubt at some point in the 2 years this drug is prescribed the dose will probably be reduced.

    I hope you get on ok with the medication. Keeping my fingers crossed that you do. 

  • Hi Happy duck

    i would say I’m exactly the same as shade on these tablets although they did reduce my abemaciclib to 100mg after the first month because I lost half a stone and was breathless walking upstairs and because they did affect my appetite and l do a lot of walking they thought it was best to reduce the dose to try to get my appetite back but otherwise I have had no problems . At all. 

  • That's really helpful, thank you x

  • Hi Happyduck,

    I’ve been on Letrozole and 150mg Abemaciclib for almost a year now. 

    My joints ache and can be quite painful in the morning when I wake up, or if sitting for a while, but once I’m moving the aches and pains subside. My hair has thinned a bit but only noticeable to me really, but my nails are weak, soft and peeling. My eyebrows seem to have thinned too. 

    To be honest I was more worried about the Abemaciclib after reading about the possible side effects and some people’s experiences. For the first four to six months I did experience diarrhoea but it was manageable if I took Immodium after the first episode. However I had two episodes where I had accidents as I didn’t have any warning! Luckily I work from home but I don’t know how I would have coped if I was in the office!  Since then I’ve taken one Immodium every morning whether  I need one or not and have had absolutely no problems so far. 

    How have you been getting on with tablets so far?

  • I have been on both for 1 1/2 years now and have to say that at first,tummy was a tad dodgy but never stopped me doing anything. I took Imodium if a particularly bad morning. Yes, like others have commented, hair thinner, bones and joints stiff but once on the move all good.. I rarely have an upset tummy as now know what can be a trigger, pastry being one. I am also sleeping much better too. Wishing you all the very best.

  • I have been on both for 1 1/2 years. At the start yes I did have tummy issues but took Imodium . Never caught out and didn't stop me doing anything. My hair and eyebrows are thinner but just adapted new look! My muscles and bones do ache first thing also if I have been sat or stood for some time. Once I start moving everything starts to work. I must add that after a year my meds were reduced a sleep well, yay! Wishing you well.

  • Hi, I am 2 weeks into taking both, after too having chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

    I am experiencing the side effects expected, the diarrhoea, tiredness and wrestless sleep. Trying to manage it with anti diarrhoea tablets without getting constipated….takes me back to chemotherapy days!! 

    not sure if anyone else has experienced the side effect of poor circulation and feeling cold, and finger tips being numb. I am also having monthly overy suppressant injections so this could be due to this? 

    Good to know other people with the same side effects have managed them and have  improved with time  x