Tamoxifen and nausea

  • 6 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Sorry if this has been asked before but is there anything that helps stop the nausea I started taking tamoxifen on Tuesday and I’ve woke up this morning feeling so sick I haven’t felt this woozy since having my kids when I suffered severe morning sickness. I’ve tried peppermint tea, ginger biscuit and generally sucking a mint but it’s not easing

  • Hi MamaHill, sorry you are feeling nauseous with tamoxifen. It could be because your body is getting used to it. I had that with Workhardt ones. After a few days it did settle, now I'm fine. Alternatively you could ask your breast care nurse if they could prescribe some anti sickness meds to help or try a different manufacturers make of tamoxifen. I am limited to 2 manufacturers as the others have some fillers in that I am allergic too.

    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Thanks for responding it’s reassuring to know others out there understand what it’s like. I’m not actually being sick so not sure of anti sickness would help just got that constant stomach churning feeling. Im sure some of it could just be anxiety while waiting for my mri next Friday and keeping fingers crossed that the surgery will be minimal and that I will only need radiotherapy afterwards but only time will tell.

  • Yes the waiting for scans and results etc does play havoc with things. I had anti sickness meds during my chemo which helped. As you say I wasn’t being sick just feeling sicky. Hope all goes well next Friday, keep us posted. 
    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • One of the lovely team of nurses called back and has recommended switching to taking it at night to see if that helps if it doesn’t they will chat to my gp about prescribing an anti sickness med. 

    she was quite surprised at how clearly I could talk about everything and jokingly offered me a job Stuck out tongue winking eye we did kind of get chatting at that point about the entire family’s history and experiences of various cancers and between my mum, my mum in law, paternal grandmother and father in law we e experienced the majority of the big cancers which is something I hadn’t even considered while we’ve been traveling this road.

  • Oh yes I forgot to say I take my tablet at night too. I do have the odd glass of wine but the nearer it is to when I take my tablet the worse I feel, so I tend to avoid that. Sorry your family both maternal and in laws have had cancer. It’s worth checking to see if you have any genetic links that run in the family. Your medical team should be able to arrange this for you. 

  • Hi, I use candied ginger (ginger sweets don’t work for me) and wear sea-band nausea relief wrist bands (available on Amazon).