Radiotherapy boosters

  • 16 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi everyone

I had my lumpectomy and SNB in December and was told I'd need 5 days radiotherapy.

I was told my margins were clear, no spread to my lymph nodes and my grade was only a grade 1, oestrogen+ and Herceptin -.

Today I've been told that not only will I need the 5 days radiotherapy, but I'll also need to have 5 days of booster sessions. 

I'm so confused because I thought boosters were only for higher grade cancers or those where margins were not clear. 

Has anyone else had to have this please ? 

I'm going to ring the breast care nurse tomorrow to see if she can shed any light. 

  • I think it also depends on age, younger women seem to get booster sessions as standard

  • I had grade 2 and Margins were clear after 2 surgeries.  I’ve just finished radiotherapy and had 5 sessions and then 5 booster sessions. 
    As I understand it the first set of 5 covers the whole breast and then the booster is directed more at the area where the cancer was. 
    Good luck with the next step in your journey xx

  • Oh I'm not sure then but I'm sure your BCN will be able to settle your mind tomorrow. Maybe it also depends on hospital protocol too as the reduced 5 day schedule is quite new. I just know I had the booster sessions due to my age. I hope you get answers soon x

  • How did it go? What was it like and are you in pain ?x

  • It’s not to bad, better than I expected. Was very anxious to start with but everyone was lovely. 
    Have you had your tattoo’s yet ?? 
    Once they get you positioned and everything set up ( which takes the longest) they will leave the room while treatment is given. If anything I felt a tingle.  After a few treatments my breast was swelling and turning red ( like sunburn) but I would say more uncomfortable than pain. 
    The first 5 sessions took about 20/30 minutes from start to finish but the treatment was only about 5 minutes. 
    I finished my booster sessions Tuesday just gone and my breast is swollen and quite sore but getting better every day.  I moisturise everyday 

    Booster sessions the treatment was only about 30 seconds, so much quicker but did find it was sorer afterwards. 
    Your be ok, stay positive xx

  • Also with the booster sessions it will depend where your lump was.  Mine was under my nipple so  being a sensitive area it’s sore.  I have a lovely pink nipple one side and a very red/brown nipple on the other. My breasts are 2 tone lol xx

  • I've not had my tattoos yet. I go this Friday for that. I'm just getting a bit more anxious as the time for my radiotherapy is approaching. 

    I'm just so confused as to why my surgeon said just five days of radiotherapy then suddenly today they're telling me I need to have booster sessions. 

    Oh yes ....does it hurt to shower or is it ok ? Xx

  • My surgeon said 5 and possibly 5 booster but it’s the oncologist that actually decides what is needed.  There just making 100% sure that all the cancer has gone and the chances of it coming back in that breast is a very small percentage. 
    When you go for your tattoo’s you will be laying on a chair/bed that is very similar to when you have radiotherapy which for me took a little of the anxiety away as wasn’t going into radiotherapy totally blind. 
    They will explain what goes on when you go into the radiotherapy and if you have any questions or worries regarding it, do ask.

    Having a shower, yes it does hurt more.  Only way I can personally describe it is like bad sunburn and if the shower is hot then the sunburnt area feels worse.  I get myself into all sorts of positions to try to avoid the shower water hitting my breast and hold the shower head rather than it up on the wall.  I wash the affected breast separately xx