Chemo Day

  • 9 replies
  • 272 subscribers

So tomorrow will mark chemo session Number 1, with 7 more thereafter. 
I think emotionally I’m ready, well as ready as I think I can be, it seems to have taken ages getting to this point, it hasn’t been but feels that way. So can I ask what probably will seem like an unimportant question in the grand scheme of things….what did you take with you on that first session, are there any tips on what you’d recommend taking and generally how did you feel and were there any coping mechanisms that you would like to share. 
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but know I need to pull up my Big Girl Pants and simply get on with things.

Any help and advice will be hugely appreciated x

  • I haven’t got any advice as I am only 4.5 weeks post op but just wanted to wish you well x 

  • Thank you, I hope things are going well with the post op for you x

  • People take everything from a packed lunch to blankets! I accompanied my daughter to her chemos and would say wear easy, comfy clothes - sweatshirt and joggers or similar. Make sure you will be warm enough - they will provide a blanket, but chemo can make you feel chilly. They should provide tea and sandwiches, but if there are particular snacks and drinks you enjoy, take some with you. Also something to do - book, i-pad, word games book, etc. If you are cold capping, take a hat - your hair will be damp and full.of conditioner when you've finished. Very best of luck for tomorrow (you'll be fine) and for the rest of your treatment.

  • Thank you, especially for the cold cap tip, of which I’ve opted to have and hadn’t thought about that side of things. Weirdly looking forward to being able to read, never have time usually.

    Thank you x

  • Hi, this blog post of mine contains much of what I wish I'd know.  Best wishes for tomorrow 

    Chemo blog link

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  • Hi Sarah76

    sorry you’re going through this but try not to worry (easier said I know!)..

    I’ve not long finished my 6 chemo sessions & once I started, the weeks went so quickly!

    id agree with everything Cherry said… I’d go like a pack mule! Fleece, warm socks (I’d take my shoes off to be cosier!), books, iPad unit had a large tv on wall (volume off/subtitles) so did indulge in a bit of Loose Women some weeks I have to admit!

    however some sessions I just chatted with some of the other patients & time flew! (Can you believe I met up with an old work colleague I’d not seen for 20 years!! Not really the place you’d chose for a reunion but it definitely made the time pass!!)..

    yes cold capping can make you chilly all over ..I used to take a hot water bottle too!! Definitely layers & maybe a cosy pashmina/oversize scarf etc

    not sure which ‘chemo cocktail’ you’re having but when you cold cap it does add a few hours to your session so i took snacks! But they did come round with tea/coffee & sandwiches..  

    wishing you lots of luck for your treatment x

  • on my first day, my mom drove me, and i brought headphones and such, but it went quite quickly, the nurse will sit with you while you do it and keep and eye on you. i drank water

    although. I see you are cold capping, take something warm that is easy to slip on and off. and good thoughts w you.

  • Take a book and a large water bottle.  My best tip for chemo is to drink as much water as possible.

    I was a bit emotional when I got dropped off first time so be prepared for a wobble.

    I kept a journal through my chemo,  what I ate, how I felt., loads of things really. 

    It helped me build a pattern of the side effects I could expect, which food to avoid (some thing gave me indigestion for example).

  • Hi there,

    I take with me things like a magazine, book, podcasts downloaded and a power bank to keep my phone charged. Our hospital is fab at proving tea, biscuits and lunch :) So it's whatever will relax you and pass your time. 

    Hope it goes well for you
