Wanting to know prognosis

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  • 267 subscribers

Wondering what other people did. I have been asking my consultant what my prognosis is (I've bn diagnosed with stage 3 grade 2 invasive lobular carcinoma) but she is extremely reluctant to tell me. All the breast care nurses say are it's treatable and that's what I should focus on. I understand that BUT I have children and we had plans for trips to take with them in the future (into the kids bn young adults) and if that's not going to be a realistic target then we need to rethink things. My partner thinks I'm obsessing over it but it's something I really need to know. Just wondering if others insisted on knowing or were happy to stay in the dark. Thanks x

  • Hi Vicman31, to be honest I don’t think they give any prognosis nowadays as a lot of cancers are so treatable whether they cure it or manage it over many years. I was grade 3 and stage 3, IDC and triple positive. I was scared that that was it, never going to get better but I have had surgery, chemo, radiotherapy, targeted treatment and hormone blockers and I’m now cancer free. Yes there is no guarantee that it won’t return but I live for the moment. I continue to make plans with my kids and husband and we even are in the process of getting ready to move. Nothing is going to hold me back. If one day in the future that changes for me we will deal with it then. I stay positive and plan ahead, for me it’s the best way. I wouldn’t want to know even if they could tell me it would be even more depressing and I don’t think I would then live my life to the full. It’s probably best to focus on the here and now, make your plans with your husband and kids. If in the future there needs to be a change then you can make a change and work around the situation then if it arises. 
    Wishing you all the best

    Hugs from cuffcake x x x x x

  • Hi Vicman31, I read and re read your post a few times and i dont think its because of staying in the dark if some dont feel the need to know. I can see were you are coming from really i do, but not obsessing like your partner thinks maybe overthinking. Maybe your Consultant is not being reluctant but does not have the answer. You have been told by the breast care nurses your cancer is treatable and in my experiance with cancer they dont know how its going to pan out till you have had your treatment. I think you will find out more when you have spoken to your oncologist as these are the people who will have more answers. I can understand about what you are saying about planned trips with your children and what is going to happen to in the future, but this is cancer and treatment you are dealing with and nothing is going to be the same for a while wether you know the prognosis or not. I think and i mean this in the nicest of ways because i also felt it, its all about losing control of everything and we all do it to some extent. Its hard to make any plans for a while with bloods, chemo, scans and it really frustrating and annoying to say the least. You can still have a life and do things with your kids it will just be later. I had my first cancer 20 years ago and i am still here. Best wishes with your treatment x