Arm pain after lymph node removal

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  • 272 subscribers

Hi. I’m 11 days post op now after lumpectomy and lymph node removal. After the initial soreness my inner arm and arm pit all the way down to my elbow hurts whenever I move. Is this normal? I’m seeing my surgeon on Tuesday for results but I thought I’d ask. I think I need stronger pain killers than paracetamol and ibuprofen. I do my exercises as I should and I don’t overdo it.


  • Hi, everyone is different some have more pain than others. Its early days yet and things take quite a while to settle down. I had pain going down my arm for weeks. I rested my arm when ever i could ,and try not to over do it. I always took my painkillers half an hour before i did any exercise. You could ask for stronger painkillers co-codamol might help. As to wether its normal its difficult to say like i said everyone is different. Call your breat care nurse if  you are concerned., but remember rest is very important to a full recovery. All the best for the future

  • Thank you  so much for your response. I’ll get onto the dr on Monday for some co codamol. I’ve been managing but it’s beginning to get me down. Breast pain is ok, I can cope with that, the arm took over after the initial first few days of surgery.

  • Hi, sorry to hear that you are in such pain. 

    I experienced the same and numbness, the bad pain did subside after a few weeks but it took many months to start to feel better, it is a gradual process I'm afraid.

    It's good you hav a review appointment, you can get it checked to make sure all is well

    Best wishes x 

  • Hello - I’m 4.5 weeks post op (lumpectomy and lymph node) and the nerve pain is only just starting to settle down, my boob healed really quickly but my armpit is still sore and not properly healed but it is slowly getting better. I’ve been very gently dry brushing (moving up the arm and across your chest towards the heart (away from the lymph area) and it has helped. 
    I think at about 3.5 weeks I realised that the sensation had started moving around which is when it started to feel better. MacMillan nurse told me it was completely normal and the nerves were trying to reconnect and knit together. 
    if felt a bit like the zing of a filling near foil…

    I don’t think the ibuprofen and paracetomol made any difference.  
    I hope yours settles sown x 

  • Good luck on Tuesday. That’s really quick, my resits are due tomorrow and my surgery was on 20th December,  the waiting has been awful x 

  • Hi Piritaxi, after my lymph node clearence, I had a burning sensation/pain. It felt a bit like carpet burn all down my arm. It was horrible. It did eventually go but it took a long time. I also took pain killers before I did my exercises. Whilst they helped with the soreness they didn’t touch the carpet burn sensation/pain. It’s good you are seeing your surgeon on Tuesday as it will be worth checking. He/she should examine your wounds and check all is ok so mention it then. 
    Wishing you all the best 

    Hugs from cuffcake  x x x x x 

  • Hi - I’m still having some nerve pains down to my wrist & I had my clearance in July - I got my BC nurse to refer me for physio therapy so had this during my chem during my safe week.  It’s been paused for the time being until my radiotherapy is over to see if I need any further.

    I hope your pain eases soon x

  • I found my arm was worst than my mastectomy. The only thing i did was gentle massage working from the wrist in an upwards direction. And massaging into the armpit.  Also carry on with the exercises . I also use to rest my arm on a cushion when sat down.  I took two paracetamol followed  by two nurofen about a hour latter after the paracetamol, not exceeded the dose. I am almost sure I was taking them four times aday. 12 months on no problem at all.  But if you are worried check with your breast care team.  

  • Thanks, it’s good to hear others experiences x

  • Thanks, I’ve know what you mean about the filling scenario, I’ve kinda said it’s like sticking your tongue on a battery for some of the sensation x